After inputting the Protagonist's name, watch the introduction scenes, and when you have control, save your game at the calendar on the wall. Head upstairs and lie down on the futon to take part in the dream sequence. In the dream, run forward to the end of the path, examine the large block, then get ready for a fight. You can't lose this fight, so don't worry about failing. This is a good time to try out your various skills, so experiment to your heart's content. After the being disappears, wait a couple turns for the battle to end.
Watch more introduction scenes in the early morning of this rainy Tuesday, and during your conversation, pick the "You calling me a loser?" option to increase your Courage. Watch more scenes throughout the rest of the day.
More scenes to watch. In the morning, you'll have a lecture, which increases your Knowledge. Watch more scenes for the rest of the day, then return to your room to watch the Midnight Channel.
You'll have a pop quiz this morning; choose "When Jesus was born" to gain a boost to your Knowledge. After school you'll head off to Junes, where you'll enter the TV there. In the conversation inside the TV, choose the "Are you guys okay?" dialogue to increase your Understanding.
Lots of scenes to watch today. After school, select the "I'm worried about Chie" option to gain a boost to your Understanding. You'll have your first real fights today. Your first battle is against a pair of Slipping Hableries. Use the Zio skill to knock them down, then use normal attacks to defeat them. After that, you have a boss fight!
When Shadow Yosuke guards, it usually means it's about to unleash its Wind attack; do likewise and Guard!
Boss: Shadow Yosuke
HP: 300 • Suggested Level: 2
Shadow Yosuke's Forgetful Wind can knock you down here, so be sure to always Guard when the boss is about to use it (it will often Guard just before it does), or when it uses Power Charge to boost its next attack. When you aren't Guarding, spam Zio to knock Shadow Yosuke down, then follow it up with an attack. Conserve your SP for this specific purpose!
Yosuke will now join your party, along with his Persona, Jiraiya. Head back to your room for the evening to receive the Velvet Key, which allows you access to the Velvet Room starting April 17th.
Watch the early morning scenes, after which the Magician Social Link (I) can be established by speaking with Yosuke. Watch the remaining scenes to end the day, and the first week.
4/17 - 4/23
Talk to Teddie at the gate to Yukiko's Castle for some free supplies.
Watch the scenes that play today, and you'll eventually end up at the Metal Works store and receive 5,000 yen. Buy a new weapon each for the Protagonist and Yosuke, then leave the shop.
The door to the Velvet Room will appear next to you now, so unlock it with the Velvet Key to visit it and begin to learn about Persona Fusion.
Exit the shop area now to the north or south and head to the Food Court at the Junes department store. The events will take you to the Gate of Yukiko's Castle, your first dungeon. Talk to Teddie for Peach Seed x5, Soul Drop x5, and a Revival Bead.
Yukiko's Castle
Enter the castle now and head up to the second floor. Fight as many enemies as you can to earn EXP and raise levels. Try to get to level 6 if you can.
Use Garu on Shadow Chie until she uses Green Wall, at which point you should use Rakunda to weaken her again.
As you fight enemies, you may get a chance to pick a Persona card after a battle from the Shuffle Time game. If you happen to pick an Angel card, hold onto it, and equip it just before you fight the boss. Conserve your Soul Drops, and use them to replenish your SP when you're ready to face the boss on the second floor, Shadow Chie.
Boss: Shadow Chie
HP: 1,000 • Suggested Level: 6
Shadow Chie starts out weak to Wind attacks, which makes Yosuke your best friend here as he uses Garu. Unfortunately, though, Shadow Chie will throw up Green Wall that makes her resistant to Wind after she's hit with Garu. If you have the Angel Persona equipped, switch to Izanagi and cast Rakunda to lower her defenses. Hit her with physical attacks or switch back to Angel, and cast Rakunda every now and then. If she hits Yosuke with Mazio and inflicts Dizzy, use a Medicine to heal him and continue the assault until Shadow Chie goes down.
Chie is now a playable character, and a Social Link will be established for Fool Arcana.
Before class, you'll establish a Chariot Social Link with Chie. Don't worry about not having the Courage to give some of the responses to Chie; you'll be able to give them on a second playthrough.
Talk to this student to start your first sidequest.
You have until April 29th to rescue Yukiko from the castle, and to do that you must defeat the boss on the 8th floor. That's 11 days from today, so you should spend three of those days working your way through the castle, starting today. Try to get to the fifth floor, then escape the dungeon before facing the boss. We'll come back here on the 27th to deal with that.
There's a Pop Quiz in class; choose "The" to increase your Knowledge.
After school, the Who's the Riddle Master?! sidequest becomes available.
You can also go see your friends at the Food Court at Junes and enter the TV to explore the Yukiko's Castle dungeon (covered later).
Head to the Faculty Office and ask to join a club, then take the Emergency Exit on the 1st floor to the gym to establish a Strength (XI) Social Link.
Talk with Yosuke. During the afternoon conversation, select the "Millennium" answer to increase your Expression and the Magician Social Link.
After school, the A Great Man book is available to purchase at the Yomanaido Bookstore in the Shopping District. A Magician Social Link is also available.
Talk with Yosuke in the early morning. A Strength Social Link is available after school.
Talk with Yosuke in the early morning. A Magician Social Link is available.
There's a Pop Quiz during glass; choose the "They were by the riverside" answer to boost your Expression and Magician Social Link.
After school, check out the Job Board at the north end of the Shopping District, on the left side of the street. Easily the best job available is the Assistant Day Car Caretaker position, since it pays better and rewards you with the Temperance Social Link after your second day of work. But you don't have to take on a job if you're too busy doing other things!
A Strength Social Link is available now, as is a Magician one if you've saved Yukiko.
4/24 - 4/30
A Strength Social Link is available via your cell phone, as is a Magician link.
There's a Pop Quiz in class; choose "8 A.M." to boost your Knowledge.
The Girl on the Rooftop sidequest is available after school.
The Assistant Day Care Caretaker job is available today.
If you've saved Yukiko, a Magician Social Link is available. You can also establish a Sun (XIX) Social Link by going to the Faculty Office, asking to join a club, going to the Practice Building, then entering the Meeting Room to join the Drama Club or the Music Room to join the Music Club.
If you've saved Yukiko, you can make lunch for tomorrow from the food in the fridge. Choose to score it with a knife to receive the Aromatic Pork Ginger and three Baits.
Talk to Chie in the early morning.
There's a Pop Quiz in class: answer "It's a perfect number" to increase your Expression and Chariot Social Link.
During lunch today, you can share the meal you made (see previous day's activities) with one of your classmates. Select someone you have a Social Link with to increase that link slightly.
If you saved Yukiko, a Chariot Social Link is available. Strength and Sun are also available.
In the evening, you can eat a snack to increase your Courage (you can do this only once) if you made lunch after rescuing Yukiko.
Nothing special happens today, making it an ideal day to tackle Day 2 of your three-day assault on Yukiko's Castle. Return to the fifth floor to deal with the boss, an Avenger Knight. Make sure you're all healed up before attacking him!
Have your allies use skills like Bufu against the Avenger Knight, since it's strong to physical attacks.
Boss: Avenger Knight
HP: 430 • Suggested Level: 11
The easiest way to take down the strong Avenger Knight is to acquire a Slime Persona from a Shuffle Time game, then raise it to level 7. At that point, it will have learned Tarunda and Resist Physical. Use these two skills to keep the Protagonist nearly invincible in this battle. Your allies will gradually learn to use Bufu and Garu against the Knight, which is strong against their physical attacks.
You'll obtain the Glass Key after the fight. Now plow your way up to the 8th floor and use the Save Point there. If you have any remaining SP, go back down to the 6th and 7th Floors to level grind until you run out, then escape from the dungeon.
If you have saved Yukiko by now, talk to Chie in the early morning. After school, the Sun Social Link is available.
You have to rescue Yukiko before Evening today, or it's Game Over for you, friend. Head off to the castle and return to the 8th floor, then pass through the doors to face the boss, Shadow Yukiko. Before you tackle this battle, you'll probably want to level up a Slime and an Ukobach Persona until they've learned all their skills, then combine them in a triangle fusion to create an Archangle with Resist Fire, Resist Physical, and Red Wall. Level up the Archangel to 12.
Protect Chie in the battle with Shadow Yukiko with Red Wall.
Boss: Shadow Yukiko
HP: 1,050 • Suggested Level: 15
When the battle begins, cast Red Wall on Chie, and then again intermittently to keep her safe. Chie's presence will prevent the summoned Charming Price from using Diarama. Your leveled-up Archangel will get you through this battle easily with its Media spell. Use a TaP Soda (purchased from the vending machine by the medicine shop) if your SP gets low.
Talk to Yukiko in the early morning. In the Pop Quiz in class, answer "Mt. Olympus" to boost your Knowledge. After that, just watch the cutscenes that bring this month to a close.
5/1 - 5/7
You can go revisit Yukiko's castle now and battle the Contrarian King on the 8th floor for a new weapon for Yukiko (check the stairs in front of the throne after you defeat him for it) if you want, but there are other things to do now.
For instance, if you go down by the river's edge you'll meet an old man who will give you a fishing set and baits. Taking them means you can spend your day or evening fishing from now on, if you so choose.
The Acquire Mori Ranmaru Shochu sidequest is available now.
During the Lecture in class, you'll gain a boost to your Knowledge. After school, study with Yosuke or Chie to raise your Knowledge and Social Link.
The Acquire an Angel Statue, Acquire a Demon Statue, and Acquire a Ritz Wire sidequests are all available now.
In the evening, eat a snack from the fridge to increase your Courage.
Today, the Justice (VIII) Social Link will be establish with Nanako today.
If the call is accepted today, your Magician, Justice, and Strength Social Links increase. If not, Magician and Chariot are available to you.
Head to Yasoinaba Station to receive a TaP Soda, or to Junes for a Tater Longs.
The Magician, Hermit, Chariot, and Temperance Social Links are all available today.
The I Wish for Love sidequest is available.
In the evening, the Hierophant (V) Social Link can be established with Dojima.
There's a Pop Quiz in class today: answer "Ionize" to boost your Knowledge.
After school, study with Chie to increase your Knowledge and your Social Link. The Hermit Social Link is also available.
At the bookstore, a new book is available: Off Today.
In the evening, the Justice Social Link is available.
5/8 - 5/14
You can increase your Chariot Social Link if the call is accepted. If not, Magician and Hermit are also available.
Talk with Chie today, and during the exam in class, "8 AM" and "Before Christ" are the correct answers.
More exams. Correct answers are "6" and "Millennium."
Exams continue. Correct answers are "Rene Descartes" and "Mt. Olympus."
Last day of exams. The final question's result is based on your Knowledge rank.
After school, the Chariot, Hermit, Magician, Strength, and Sun Social Links are available.
At home in the evening, you can make Beef Stew by choosing "Simmer with a drop lid." The Hierophant Social Link is also available.
The Moon (XVIII) Social Link can be established. To do so, you must get your Strength Social Link to Rank 4 and your Courage to Rank 3, then talk to Ai and ask to hang out with her. During lunchtime, she'll ask you to cut class with her, so join her. Note that you will miss any lectures, conversations, or pop quizzes in the afternoon on the day you do this, making today a great day to establish this link.
The Hermit and Temperance links are also available today.
Watch the cutscene today. In the evening, eat a snack from the fridge to increase your Courage.
5/15 - 5/21
Watch the cutscenes today, and in the evening conversation, choose "Both" to boost your Understanding or "Neither" to boost your Courage.
Another cutscene day. In the evening, eat a snack from the fridge to boost your Courage.
In the conversation after school, you can choose the "No worries, I'll protect you" response only if your Courage is high.
The Preiestess (II) Social Link will be established with Yukiko.
After school, the Desk Refurbishing and Extracurricular Activities sidequests are available.
The Hermit, Strength, and Moon Social Links are all available. In the evening, the Justice link is also available.
Start today, you have until June 4th to rescue Kanji. To get this ball rolling, first talk to Kanji's mother outside the Textile Shop, next to the Shrine in the North Shopping District. After that, go to the elevator lobby at Junes and talk to the woman there. We'll return here tomorrow to talk to the guy who might know where Kanji is.
The exams scores are posted during lunchtime, and based on how well you did, you'll get rewards. Talk to the history teacher, Ms. Sofue, by the west stairwell on the 2nd floor to get her reward, and talk to Ryotaro when he's around. Nanako also has a reward for you. Check the chart below to see what you'll get, based on whether you were below the top ten, in the top ten, or top of your class. Unless you score at the bottom of your class (in which case you get nothing) you'll at the very least receive a small boost to your Social Links with your classmates.
Exam Rewards
Reward Giver Below Top 10 Top 10 Head of Class
Ms. Sofue Chest Key x3 Chest Key x3
Ryotaro 10,000 yen 20,000 yen 30,000 yen
Nanako Accessory
After school, the Hermit, Moon, Sun, and Strength Social Links are available, and Empress (III) Social Link can be established. To do so, talk to Margaret, though your Knowledge must be at Rank 3. This group meets at the Velvet Room.
To continue the Kanji quest, go back to Junes today and talk to the guy who knows Kanji. Now head into the TV to speak with Teddie and unlock the next dungeon, the Steamy Bathhouse. This dungeon has 11 floors and bosses on the 7th and 11th floors, but don't start it today. Tomorrow's better.
After school, the Moon, Hermit, and Temperance Social Links are available. In the evening, the Justice link is also available.
Steamy Bathhouse
Today's a good day to get started on the Kanji dungeon. Try to get to the 7th floor and clear it, but don't take on the boss just yet, just escape for now, and come back between the 21st and 29th, or June 3rd. On your next trip here, take on the boss:
Daring Gigas uses a lot of Power Charged attacks, so use a Persona that resists physical attacks.
Boss: Daring Gigas
HP: 928 • Suggested Level: 23
Before this battle, make sure you've got plenty of Revival Beads and equip any Falcon Eyes you've found. The Sukunda skill is your friend here, so make sure you've got it. Daring Gigas uses attacks such as Rebellion, Power Charge, Turkaja, and Single Shot, so you'll want to have a good Persona for your Protagonist that resists physical attacks. Rakashasa's a good one; fuse Legion and Berith to get it.
You'll obtain the Bathhouse Key after the battle. This allows you open the locked door to the stairs on the 3rd floor. Keep going up to the 11th floor, use the Save Point there, then escape the dungeon. When you return to the 11th floor a fresh, ready-for-bear party on your third trip here, be prepared for a fight against three bosses! Have Cool Beads equipped, and bring along some Dokudami Teas. And your Rakashasa Persona will work well here.
Each of the three targets in the battle with Shadow Kanji has a different elemental weakness, so don't use group attacks!
Bosses: Shadow Kanji, Nice Guy, Tough Guy
Kanji - HP: 2,000 • Nice Guy & Tough Guy - HP: 800 each • Suggested Level: 27
Set your allies to Manual here, because they won't ever seem to learn not to use group attacks: the Nice Guy absorbs Ice attacks, and the Tough Guy absorbs Fire and physical attacks. Take out Nice Guy first, since he can heal Kanji and boost his stats. You may want to switch to a Persona that uses Dekaja so you can strip Nice Guy of his buffs. After you take out Nice Guy, use Tarunda or Sakunda to get rid of any buffs Shadow Kanji has, then take down Tough Guy. Once they're gone, you can switch your allies off Manual control to finish off Kanji.
Hopefully you have done this by June 4th, or it's Game Over!
If you've saved Kanji by today (an unlikely prospect, but possible), the Magician Social Link is available today. Otherwise, the Hermit, Strength, Chariot, and Temperance links are also available. In the evening, another Magician Social Link is available if Kanji's been saved, as is a Hierophant link.
5/22 - 5/28
Starting today, and every applicable Sunday onward, you can buy item packages from the TV in your room; the package will arrive a few days after purchase.
During the daytime, the Priestess and Hermit Social Links are available, as is the Hierophant link in the evening, if you saved Kanji.
After school, the Book Exchange sidequest is available.
The Hermit, Temperance, Sun, and Magician Social Links are available. If you saved Kanji, so are Priestess and Chariot.
At home in the evening, the Justice link is available.
Recommended day to tackle second part of Kanji's dungeon.
After school, the Hermit, Strength, and Sun Social Links are available. If you saved Kanji, so are Priestess and Chariot.
If you've saved Kanji, you can make lunch for tomorrow from the food in the fridge. Choose to thicken the sauce with potato starch to receive the Crispy Sweet and Sour Port and three Baits.
After school, the Priestess, Moon, and Hermet Social Links are available. In the evening, the Justice link is available.
There are two new jobs posted on the part-time job board, for Tutor and Janitor positions. If you take the Janitor position (Diligence Rank 3 or higher required), you'll establish the Devil Social Link on your second day of work. To get the Tutor job, you must have an Understanding Rank of 5; this job leads to the Tower Social Link on your second day of work.
In the afternoon conversation, choose "Sacred carvings" to boost your Expression and Magician Social Link.
After school, the Magician, Chariot, Priestess, Hermit, Moon, Strength, and Sun links are all available. In the evening, you can work at either of the new jobs (Janitor, Tutor) to establish your Devil or Tower Social Links. The Hierophant link is also available if you saved Kanji.
After school, the Temperance, Moon, and Hermit Social Links are available. In the evening, the Justice and Devil links are available.
After school, the Temperance, Strength, and Hermit links are available, as are Magician and Chariot if you saved Kanji. In the evening, the Tower link is available, as is Hierophant if you saved Kanji.
5/29 - 5/31
If your Strength Social Link is not at Rank 5 or 6, you'll get a call from Kou with an offer. If you accept, you'll spend the Daytime with him to increase your Strength and Chariot links, and receive the Lovely Witch Detective book if you say "Thanks" during the event. Reading this book boosts your Understanding and Diligence.
Magician and Hermit Social Links are available during the daytime if you don't take the call. In the evening, the Hierophant link is available if you saved Kanji.
Listen to the lecture to increase your Knowledge.
After school, the Hermit, Priestess, Chariot, Sun, and Temperance Social Links are available, as is Magician if you saved Kanji.
In the evening, eat a snack from the fridge to increase Courage.
After school, the Hermit, Sun, and Strength Social Links are available. The Priestess and Chariot links are also available if you have saved Kanji.
In the evening, you can make Grilled Beef if you saved Kanji; be sure to pick "Use soy sauce" to cook it correctly.
The Tower link is available tonight, as is Hierophant if you saved Kanji.
6/1 - 6/4
After school, the Moon, Hemit, Priestess, and Strength Social Links are available. You can also buy the new book from the bookstore, Forever Macho.
In the evening, if you have saved Kanji, talk to Ryotaro to go shopping. You'll receive a random set of items: Peach Seed x10, Dokudami Tea x2, Medical Kit x3, or Royal Jelly x5.
After school, the Sun and Hermit Social Links are available. In the evening, so are the Justice, Devil, and Tower links.
After school, the Please Feed the Cat, Feed the Cat, and Cat Needs Food Badly sidequests become available.
The Hermit Social Link is available after school, and the Hierophant link is available in the evening if you saved Kanji. Devil is also available.
Today is the deadline for rescuing Kanji, or it's Game Over!
After school, the Hermit Social Link is available.
6/5 - 6/11
During the day, the Acquire an Old Key and Acquire Coal sidequests become available.
You can establish the Death (XIII) Social Link today if your Devil link is at Rank 4; go talk to the old woman at the edge of the Floodplain to establish the link. The Magician, Chariot, and Hermit links are also available today.
In the evening, the Justice Social Link is available.
Nothing much happens today. Just watch the cutscenes.
After school, the Desk Refurbishing, Part 2 and Acquire a Crooked Cross sidequests are available.
You can also revisit the Bathhouse and fight the boss on the 11th floor to get a boost of Courage for the Protagonist and a powerful weapon for Kanji; check the platform in the boss's room for the weapon. The best day to do this is June 10th.
The Sun and Hermit Social Links are available. In the evening, Tower and Justice are available.
In the morning conversation, choose "From the play, Hamlet" to boost your Expression and Priestess Social Link. After school you'll have another conversation; choose "Kitao from Santo Inc." and "Can it come in two months?" to boost your Knowledge and Communication.
In the evening, you should receive your Home Shopping package. If you want to cook Curry, choose to "Let it simmer."
The Hierophant and Devil Social Links are available tonight.
After school, the Acquire a Horn and Please Find My Younger Twin sidequests open up.
To get the ball rolling with a Hanged Man link, talk to Naoki Konishi outside the Classroom 1-1 with a Rank 3 or above Understanding. Answer "That's right" to obtain a handkerchief. Talk to him again on 6/13, then on 6/15, return the handkerchief.
You can also establish an Emperor (IV) Social Link. Talk to the girl in the 2F hallway of the Classroom Building, near the main staircase, then speak to Kanji.
The Magician, Priestess, Chariot, Strength, Hermit, Sun, and Moon links are all available. In the evening, Devil, Tower, and Hierophant links are available.
After school, a Hermit Social Link is available. In the evening, Justice and Devil are available.
After school, Hermit, Strength, Temperance, Chariot, Emperor, and Magician Social Links are available. In the evening, Justice and Tower are available.
6/12 - 6/18
Yukiko will call you today; if you spend time with her you'll have a Priestess Social Link. Otherwise, Death, Hermit, Priestess, Emperor, and Magician links are available.
In the evening, cook Potato Salad, and choose to "Smash them while still hot." A Hierophant link is also available tonight.
Pop Quiz in class today: choose "Anaerobics" to boost your Knowledge.
After school, spend time with Saki's brother. The Priestess, Chariot, Magician, Hermit, Temperance, and Strength Social Links are available. At night, so is the Hierophant link.
Hermit and Sun Social Links available today.
In the morning conversation, choose "To hang" to boost Expression and your Magician Social Link.
Today should be the third day you're able to speak to Naoki Konishi to establish the Hanged Man (XII) Social Link. The Priestess, Emperor, Strength, Moon, and Hermit links are also available. The Justice and Devil links are available in the evening.
If you ordered something from the Home Shopping channel, it should arrive tonight.
In the evening, Devil, Tower, and Hierophant Social Links are available.
During the afternoon conversation, choose "Eat it" if you have a Courage Rank of 4 to boost your Chariot and Priestess Social Links. During the evening conversation, choose "Don't do this" to boost your Expression.
During the morning conversation, choose "...Chie" or "...Yukiko" to increase your respective Chariot or Priestess link.
6/19 - 6/25
The Magician, Hermit, Hanged Man, and Emperor Social Links are available.
Pop Quiz today: answer "Socrates" to boost your Knowledge.
After school, the Priestess, Magician, Hermit, Chariot, Hanged Man, Sun, and Temperance Social Links are available.
In the evening, eat a snack from the fridge to boost your Courage. The Hierophant link is available, as well.
After school, the Sun and Hermit Social Links are available.
During the conversation after school, choose "Recommend ganmodoki" to boost your Magician Social Link.
Lots of cutscenes today. In the evening, you should receive your Home Shopping package if you ordered something.
After school you'll establish your Star (XVII) Social Link with Teddie. You must then rescue Rise, and you have until July 9th to do it. Teddie needs information, so today, head to the 2nd floor building of the Practice Building and talk the obese Rise's Fan. Next, go to the Tofu store and speak to Rise's mother. That's all you can do for the investigation today.
The Hanged Man, Temperance, Hermit, and Moon links are available today, as are Justice and Devil at night.
Today, the Hermit Social Link is available, as are Justice and Tower in the evening.
You should begin the second day of the Rise investigation today. Head to the Flood Plain and speak with the Photographer there, telling him "I think she's stressed." Talk to him again and say "She's different on TV."
Marukyu Striptease (Strip Bar)
Now head to Junes and enter the TV to begin the next dungeon, Marukyu Striptease. This dungeon has 11 floors, with bosses on the 7th and 11th floors. Start clearing the dungeon today, getting up to the 7th floor and clearing it (except for the boss).
Come back on July 1st to deal with the boss on the 7th floor:
Don't bother curing yourself if you're Poisoned; you'll be cured after this brief battle.
Boss: Amorous Snake
HP: 1,012 • Suggested Level: 32
Thankfully, the Amorous Snake isn't very difficult to defeat. It will try to poison you, but if it succeeds, just ignore it, because you'll be cured from it after the battle. It may also hit you with other ailments, and those you should try to cure as soon as possible. Keep your HP above 100 at all times and just keep attacking until the snake goes toes-up. So to speak.
Open the chest here for a Soma, then head up to the 11th floor and use the Save Point there. Exit the dungeon, and come back on July 8th or 9th to finish the job. Put Chie in your party instead of Yukiko, and put your team's tactics to Manual for the boss fight on the 11th floor.
Use fire-based skills on Shadow Rise.
Boss: Shadow Rise
HP: 2,800 • Suggested Level: 35
Have Chie guarding at all times while the rest of your party uses Fire attacks on Shadow Rise. Once you've knocked her down to 50% of her health, Rise will use Supreme Insight to find out your party's weaknesses. Now set your team's tactics to Guard, and you should also Guard. Guard for three rounds until the battle ends.
When Shadow Teddie starts charging up for a major attack, wait for Rise to tell you to Guard, then Guard!
Rise will join you now to help you with a fight against Shadow Teddie.
Boss: Shadow Teddie
HP: 5,000 • Suggested Level: 35
Here's where having Chie in your party will come in handy, because she'll use Mind Charge often and follow it up with Mabufula. Use a Persona that protects you from Ice attacks, and start attacking with physical attacks. Use Mouthwash if he tries to mute you. After a while of attacking, Shadow Teddie will start charging up an attack. Wait for Rise to tell you to guard, then turn off your party's AI and have everyone Guard in order to survive the attack.
6/26 - 6/30
During the day, the Magician, Emperor (if you've saved Rise), Death, and Hermit Social Links are available. In the evening, the Justice link is available.
In today's Pop Quiz, answer "Hatred and jealousy" to boost your Knowledge.
After school, the Priestess, Hanged Man, Hermit, and Sun Social Links are available, as are Magician and Chariot if you've saved Rise. In the evening, the Hierophant link is available if you saved Rise.
After school you can buy a new book from the bookstore: Short on Cash.
The Hermit, Sun, Chariot, Hanged Man, Strength, and Priestess (if Rise has been saved) Social Links are available after school. In the evening, Justice and Tower are also available.
After school, the Moon, Priestess, Hermit, Strength, and Emperor (if Rises has been saved) Social Links are available.
In the evening, your Home Shopping package will arrive if you ordered something.
If you saved Rise, you can cook meatballs tonight; choose to "Cut a hole and look for juice" to do it properly.
The Devil Social Link is available tonight, as is Hierophant if you've saved Rise.
Pop Quiz today: answer "Pis Pis River" to boost your Knowledge.
After school, the Acquire a Silver Lump sidequest becomes available.
The Magician, Strength, Moon, Priestess, Emperor, Hermit, Hanged Man, Sun, and Chariot (if you saved Rise) Social Links are all available. In the evening, the Tower, Devil, and Hierophant (if Rise has been saved) links are also available.
7/1 - 7/2
Recommended day to tackle second part of Rise's dungeon.
After school, the Hermit Social Link is available. In the evening, Justice and Devil links are available.
After school, the Temperance, Strength, Hermit, and Chariot links are available. In the evening, Tower and Justice are available.
7/3 - 7/9
A Sun Social Link is available today via the call. Otherwise, Hermit, Death, Emperor, and Magician (if Rise has been saved) are available. In the evening, Hierophant is available if you have saved Rise.
In the morning conversation, choose "Inductive reasoning" to boost your Expression and Magician Social Link.
After school, the Hanged Man, Sun, Hermit, Priestess, Magician, and Chariot (if you've saved Rise) Social Links are available. So is Justice in the evening.
At home, you can eat a snake from the fridge to increase your Courage.
After school, the Hermit, Chariot, Hanged Man, Strength, Sun, and Priestess (if Rise has been saved) Social Links are available. In the evening, Justice and Tower links are available.
After school, the Hermit, Hagned Man, Moon, Strength, Emperor, and Priestess (if Rise has been saved) links are available. So are the Devil and Hierophant (if Rise has been saved) links in the evening.
At home in the evening, you will receive your Home Shopping package if you ordered it. If you have saved Rise and want to cook Daigaku-imo, choose to "Deep fry them" for success.
Pop Quiz in class today: answer "Kakinomoto no Hitomaro" to boost your Knowledge.
The Hermit, Hanged Man, Moon, Sun, and Strength Social Links are available today. If you have saved Rise, then Priestess, Emperor, Chariot, and Magician are also available. In the evening, Tower and Devil are available.
After school, the Hermit Social Link is available. In the evening, the Devil and Justice links are available.
Today is the deadline for rescuing Rise, so if you haven't done it by the time evening rolls around, it's Game Over, friend.
After school, the Hermit Social Link is available.
7/10 - 7/16
Lots of cutscenes today. In the daytime conversation, choose "Leave it to me" to boost your Courage.
In the evening conversation with Nanako, your Understanding will increase. You can now fuse 4-6 Personas.
In the evening, the Justice Social Link is available.
You'll have a lecture in class today that increases your Knowledge.
After school, the Acquire a Charmed Veil sidequest becomes available.
You can now revisit Rise's dungeon, the Marukyu Striptease, and fight the boss on the 11th floor to find a weapon for Teddie behind the boss's platform. Do this before 7/19, because you won't be able to afterward.
The Hermit Social Link is available. You can also study with Yousuke, Chie, or Yukiko to boost your Social Link and Knowledge.
In the evening, the Justice and Tower links are available. You can also cook Crème Caramel by choosing "Vanilla Extract."
Pop Quiz in class today: answer "It takes time" to boost your Knowledge.
After school, the Carbon Copy sidequest becomes available.
You can study with Kanji to boost your Social Link and Knowledge. The Priestess and Hermit links are also available. In the evening, Hierophant and Devil links are available.
Pop Quiz in class today: answer "Civil Dawn" to boost your Knowledge.
You can study with Yukiko after school to boost your Social Link and Knowledge. The Magician, Hermit, and Emperor links are also available, as are the Justice, Devil, and Tower links in the evening.
At home, you can cook Fried Chicken; choose "Potato Starch" for success.
Another Pop Quiz in class: answer "No, it's not possible" to boost your Knowledge.
After school, the Man of History book is on sale at the bookstore.
You can study with Rise to boost your Knowledge.
The Chariot, Temperance, and Hermit Social Links are available, as are Hierophant, Devil in the evening. If you don't participate in any evening events, go to your room to get a call from either Daisuke or Kou to spend the daytime of 7/17 with them; this boosts your Strength Social Link. You won't get a call from Kou if your Strength link with the basketball team is at Rank 5 or 6.
Pop Quiz in class: answer "Insect Repellent" to boost your Knowledge.
After school, study with Chie, Rise, Yosuke, or Kanji to boost Knowledge and your respective Social Link. The Hermit Social Link is also available, as are Justice and Tower in the evening.
7/17 - 7-23
If you're spending the day with Kou or Daisuke, say "I'm allergic to math" when the dialogue becomes available and you'll be able to pick up the Fun with Numbers book.
If you're not spending time with Kou or Daisuke today, the Priestess, Emperor, Magician, Death, and Hermit Social Links are available. In the evening, the Justice link is available.
The Magician, Hermit, Death, Chariot, and Temperance Social Links are available today. The Hierophant link is also available in the evening.
In the evening, your Home Shopping package will arrive, if you bought something. You can also eat something from the fridge to increase your Courage.
Exams start again today! The correct answer for Q1 is "To hang," and the answer for Q2 is "From the play, Hamlet."
Exams continue. Answer to Q3: "Man-yoshu." Answer to Q4: "Socrates."
Exams continue. Answer to Q5: "Insect repellent." Answer to Q6: Jealousy of the superior."
Exams. Answer to Q7: "Melons." Answer to Q8: "Nautical dawn is brightest."
Exams end today. The result of the last question is based on your Knowledge.
After school, say "My pen was on fire" or "I didn't get a single one" to boost your Courage, and "Just you wait and see" to boost your Expression.
The Lovers (VI) Social Link will be established with Rise today.
In the evening, say "I'll protect you" to boost your Justice Social Link.
7/24 - 7/30
The Magician, Lovers, Death, Hermit, and Emperor Social Links are available during the daytime, and "Justice" in the evening.
Your exam results will be posted today during lunchtime. As before, you can claim rewards from Ms. Sofue, Ryotaro, and Nanako based on how well you did.
Exam Rewards
Reward Giver Below Top 10 Top 10 Head of Class
Ms. Sofue Magic Mirror x3 Magic Mirror x3
Ryotaro 10,000 yen 20,000 yen 40,000 yen
Nanako Special Reward
After school, the Magician, Chariot, Hermit, Strength, Sun, Priestess, and Temperance Social Links are available. The Justice Link is available in the evening.
After school, the Hermit and Sun Social Links are available.
Summer vacation begins today, and you have until 8/12 to capture Mitsuo. To get to Mitsuo's dungeon, first speak to Yosuke at the northern end of the Shopping District, then speak to Kanji at the edge of the floodplain. Now go talk to Ryotaro across from the gas station at the Shopping District. More on this investigation tomorrow.
The Hermit Social Link is available today, and the Justice and Devil links are available in the evening.
If you ordered something from Home Shopping, it will arrive tonight.
Head to Junes and find Adachi. Say "I'll tell Dojima," then go check in at Souzai Daigaku next to the job board.
The Hermit Social Link is available today, and the Devil and Tower links are available in the evening.
The Hermit and Temperance Social Links are available in the daytime, and the Justice and Devil links in the evening.
Void Quest
Speak to the guy outside the Tofu store today and you'll be able to enter Mitsuo's dungeon, Void Quest. This is a 10-floor dungeon with bosses on the 7th and 10th floors. Spend today getting to the 7th floor, clear it, but save the boss for your return.
If the Killing Hand summons an Almighty Hand to the battle, kill it with wind skills, then go back to using physical attacks on the boss.
Come back to the dungeon on 8/6 to take on the 7th floor boss battle.
Boss: Killing Hand
HP: 885 • Suggested Level: 40
The Killing Hand itself isn't all that difficult, and can be defeated with simple physical attacks. What adds a little spice to this battle is that the Killing Hand can periodically summon an Almighty Hand to the battle. The Almighty Hand can heal the Killing Hand, but it doesn't have much HP and is weak to Wind attacks, so lay into it whenever it appears, then get back to hammering on the boss. This shouldn't take long.
Check the chest in this room for an Orb of Darkness, then head to the 10th floor. Use the Save Point there, then escape the dungeon.
Return on or before August 12th to take on the boss on the 10th floor. To prepare, equip the Protagonist with a Bravery Vessel or similar accessory to protect against the boss's status-effect spells. Fuse Ose with a Power to create a Pyro Jack, then create a Black Frost so that it can inherit Power Charge from the Pyro Jack. You'll see why soon enough.
You can't even attack Shadow Mitsuo until you deal with this largy, boxy sprite!
Boss: Shadow Mitsuo
HP: 4,000 • Suggested Level: 43
Unlike the last battle, this one's tough, and long! At the start of the battle, Mitsuo will summon a large sprite to protect itself from attack, and you must destroy the sprite before you can damage Shadow Mitsuo. All well and good, except that the sprite can be created again and again, and Mitsuo gets two actions per turn.
Begin by chipping away at the sprite until it's destroyed. Mitsuo's Shadow will often use an elemental spell, so if you have any characters weak to that element, switch them to Manual control and set them to Guard until Mitsuo begins to rebuild the sprite.
While Mitsuo's Shadow is exposed, you need to use Power Charge as often as possible. Use Rakunda as well to boost your damage output. You should be able to knock down Mitsuo's Shadow and release an All-Out Attack before it tries to rebuild the sprite. Continue using this strategy until Mitsuo's Shadow is finished.
The Emperor, Hermit, Magician, and Temperance Social Links are available today. If you have captured Mitsuo, so are Priestess and Lovers. In the evening, Tower and Justice links are available.
The Lovers, Death, and Hermit Social Links are available today. So are Emperor and Magician, if you have captured Mitsui.
8/1 - 8/6
The Chariot, Temperance, and Hermit Social Links are available today. If you captured Mitsuo, so are Magician and Priestess. In the evening, the Justice link is available.
The Chariot, Hermit, and Priestess Social Links are available in the daytime, and Tower is available in the evening.
Emperor and Hermit Social Links are available today. If Mitsuo has been captured, Priestess is available, as is Moon via a cell phone call.
In the evening, the Justice and Devil links are available. If you ordered something from Home Shopping, it will arrive tonight.
Today the Changing Careers book is on sale.
The Magician, Hermit, and Priestess Social Links are available today, as are Chariot and Emperor if you captured Mitsuo. In the evening, the Devil and Tower links are available.
The Hanged Man (via a cell phone call), Lovers, Hermit, and Temperance Social Links are available today. If Mitsuo has been captured, so is Chariot. In the evening, Justice and Devil links are available.
In the daytime, the Hermit link is available, and the Justice and Tower links are available in the evening.
8/7 - 8/13
The Death, Hermit, Emperor, and Magician links are available, as is Lovers if Mitsuo has been captured.
Priestess, Hermit, and Temperance Social Links are available today. If you have captured Mitsuo, Chariot and Moon (via a call) are available. In the evening, a Justice link is available.
Today the Acquire Some Fashionable Dishes sidequest becomes available.
In the daytime, Lovers, Hermit, and Chariot links are available, as is Priestess if you have captured Mitsuo. In the evening, the Tower and Justice links are available.
Kou or Daisuke will call today; accept the call to increase the Social Link for Justice and Strength. You'll also receive the O-Cha Way book.
Apart from that, the Hermit and Priestess links are available, as is Emperor if Mitsuo has been captured.
In the evening, you'll receive your Home Shopping package if you ordered something. The Devil link is available.
The Hermit Social Link is available during daytime, and the Justice, Tower, and Devil links are available in the evening.
This is the final day to capture Mitsuo, or it's Game Over.
During the day, the Hermit Social Link is available.
The Chariot, Magician, Hermit, Lovers, and Emperor links are available today.
8/14 - 8/20
During the day, the Lovers, Hermit, Death, and Emperor Social Links are available. The Hierophant link is available in the evening.
Starting today, you can revisit Mitsuo's dungeon. Defeat the boss on the 10th floor and check the skeletons in the corner of the room for a new weapon for the Protagonist.
8/15 - 8/19
Yosuke calls today to inform you that you'll be joining him and Chie to work at Junes until Friday. For the week's work you'll receive a boost to your Social Links with Chie and Yosuke, as well as 40,000 yen.
In the evening conversation with Nanako, say "You look cute in it" to boost your Justice Social link with her. Later, when you're asked to choose who looks best, answer Yukiko, Chie, or Rise to increase your Social Link with that person.
8/21 - 8/27
During the day you can either go to the festival or stay in your room (staying in your room moves you to the next day, so don't do that!). If you decide to go to the festival, you'll get a call from Yumi (if you are at Rank 1, 2, or 10 with her), Ayane (if your rank with her is 3 or higher), and/or Ai (if your rank with her is at 3 or higher and your relationship with her isn't broken or reversed). Choose to go along with one of them to receive a book, The Divine Way.
At the festival at the Shrine, make a wish. You can wish for "money" to receive 10,000 yen, "knowledge" to boost your Knowledge rating, or to increase the Social Link with one of the girls.
The Acquire an Eternal Lamp and Carbon Copy, Part 2 sidequests become available.
During the day, the Chariot, Priestess, Hermit, Magician, and Temperance Social Links are available, as is Hierophant in the evening.
In the evening, you will receive your Home Shopping package if you ordered something.
During the daytime, the Lovers, Chariot, Priestess, and Hermit links are available. In the evening, help Nanako with her homework to boost your Justice link.
The Man-God book is on sale at the bookstore today.
During the daytime, the Priestesss, Hermit, and Emperor links are available. In the evening, your Magician and Justice links will increase by spending time with Nanako.
During the day, the Hermit Social Link is available. In the evening, your Chariot, Justice, and Priestess links will increase by spending time with Nanako.
Your Chariot Social Link will increase via a call today. The Lovers, Magician, Chariot, Temperance, and Hermit links are also available during the day. In the evening conversation with Nanako, choose "No" to boost your Justice link.
During the day, the Hermit link is available. In the evening, spending time with Nanako boosts your Lovers, Justice, and Emperor links.
8/28 - 8/31
A Lovers Social Link is available today via a call. The Emperor, Magician, Chariot, Lovers, Hermit, and Hanged Man links are also available during the day. During the evening conversation with Nanako, choose "Male" to boost your Justice link.
Your Knowledge will increase as you study today.
In the evening conversation with Nanako, choose "It stopped raining by then" to boost your Justice Social Link.
During the day, the Chariot, Emperor, Priestess, magician, and Hermit links are available.
In the evening, the Justice and Tower Social Links are available. You can also eat a snack from the fridge to boost your Courage.
You eat watermelons today. Yeah, that's pretty much it.
9/1 - 9/3
Class begins again today! There's a Pop Quiz: answer "1900" to boost your Knowledge.
In the evening, you'll receive your Home Shopping package if you ordered something. The Devil, Tower, and Justice Social Links are available.
The Riddle Sempai Returns! sidequests becomes available today after school.
The Hermit link is available after school, as are Devil and Hierophant in the evening.
After school, the Lovers, Chariot, Magician, Emperor, Strength, Hermit, and Temperance links are available. The Tower link is available in the evening.
If you talk to Ryotaro today or on 9/28, you can go shopping with him and Nanako (Ryotaro will only appear on the 28th if you've rescued Naoto). For going shopping, you'll receive one of these sets of items: Peach Seed x10, Royal Jelly x5, Medical Kit x3, or Dokudami Tea x2.
9/4 - 9/10
The Priestess link is available via a call today. The Emperor, Magician, Lovers, Hermit, Chariot, and Death links are also available during the daytime, as is Hierophant in the evening.
At home, make Kinpira by "Adding soy sauce and mirin."
Pop quiz in class today: answer "Sardine" to boost your Knowledge.
The Experiments in Telepathy sidequest becomes available today after school.
After school, the Sun, Temperance, Hermit, Chariot, Priestess, and Magician Social Link are available, as is Hierophant in the evening.
After school, the Sun and Hermit links are available. In the evening, the Tower and Hierophant links are available. You'll also receive your Home Shopping package tonight.
After school, the Priestess, Hermit, Hanged Man, Sun, Emperor, Strength, and Moon links are available.
First day of the field trip!
Tonight, during the King's Game scene, you'll have to ask someone to do something; response boosts a corresponding Social Link. Here are your options:
#1 rests on my lap - boosts Lovers
#2 sits on my lap - boosts Chariot
#3 hugs me - boosts Priestess
#4 gets a piggyback ride - boosts Magician
During the afternoon conversation, say "Iwatodami Lamp" to boost your Justice Link. In the evening conversation, say "It was okay" or "Come with me next time" to boost your Justice link.
9/11 - 9/17
The Emperor, Lovers, Hermit, Death, Magician, and Priestess links are available during the daytime, and Hierophant is available in the evening.
At home, to make Chaakin-sushi, choose "Thinned eggs."
You'll have a lecture in the afternoon to boost your Knowledge.
After school, the Chariot, Magician, Priestess, Hermit, Temperance, Strength, and Sun links are available.
After school, the Sun, Hanged Man, Strength, Hermit, Chariot, and Priestess links are available, as are Hierophant and Tower in the evening. You can also eat a snack from the fridge to boost your Courage.
After school, the Hermit Social Link is available.
In the evening, your Home Shopping package will arrive if you ordered something.
Just cutscenes today.
The Hanged Man, Temperance, and Hermit links are available today after school, and the Devil and Justice links are available in the evening.
After school, you can start your investigation to find the new dungeon and rescue Naoto; you must save her by 10/5 or it's Game Over for you. Begin by speaking with the girl by the Practice Building's 1st floor exit. Next, go talk to the cop at the Shopping District's north end. Now go talk to Chie at the Floodplain, then return to the cop and talk to him again. That's all for today.
Pop quiz in class today: answer "To make profit from spices" to boost your Knowledge.
The Hermit, Temperance, and Strength links are available today, and the Tower link is available in the evening.
Continue your investigation today. Talk to the cop at the southern side of the Shopping District to learn that Naoto "has an obsession with the case" and that the "police consider him a child." Rise should now have enough info to find the Secret Laboratory dungeon.
Secret Laboratory
The Secret Lab has 9 floors, with bosses on the 4th and 9th floor. To get to the 4th floor boss, though, you must obtain the Research Card from the 6th floor, then go back down to the 4th floor and use the card to unlock the door to the boss. On your first day in this dungeon, just make your way to the 6th floor, get the Research Card, and exit the dungeon.
Return to the dungeon no later than 10/1 and head up to the 4th floor to take on the boss there.
Boss: Dominating Machine
HP: 3,070 • Suggested Level: 50
The Dominating Machine is very predictable, as it will only ever use Power Charge and follow that with a physical attack that hits everyone in your party. Use Sakunda to lower its hit rate, then use Mediarama after every one of the boss's attacks. For this reason, having Teddie and Yukiko manually controled in the party is very beneficial. As for your offensive, use Power Charge and Mind Charge to boost the Protagonist's attack power, and use Rakunda and Matarukaja as well.
You'll now have the Leader Card that allows you to unlock the door on the 6th floor. Head through that door and continue to the 9th floor. Save your game at the Save Point, then exit the dungeon.
Return on or before 10/5 to tackle the dungeon's 9th floor boss, Shadow Naoto.
Boss: Shadow Naoto
HP: 5,500 • Suggested Level: 54
Before the battle begins, equip your teammates with accessories that help them evade their weaknesses. You'll want to cast Sakunda and Masukukaja constantly to boost your evade rate, as this boss likes to use spells to target your weaknesses. Keep your HP above 300 at all times by using Mediarama or Diarahan! Depending on which attack Shadow Naoto hits you with, you'll want to respond properly: If you're hit with Debilitate, cast Dekunda. If you're hit with Mute Ray, switch the afflicted character to Manual and Guard until the effect wears off. If you're knocked unconscious, take that character off of guard stance and use a Revival Bead. If the boss casts Galgalim Eyes, use Diarahan, then cure the enervation. If Naoto uses Heat Riser, cast Dekaja. Eventually, Shadow Naoto will start using Mind Charge; respond by casting Makarakarn and using Magic Mirrors.
9/18 - 9/24
The Lovers, Death, Hermit, and Magician links are available today, as is Emperor if Naoto has been saved. In the evening, the Hierophant link is available if Naoto has been saved.
During the day, the Temperance, Chariot, Priestess, Hermit, and Death links are available. The Justice link is available in the evening.
Pop quiz in class today: answer "Centenarians" to boost your Knowledge.
After school, the Extracurricular Activities, Part 2 sidequest is available.
The Sensei's Friends book is available at the bookstore.
The Chariot, Strength, Hermit, Sun, and Hanged Man links are available today, as is Priestess if Naoto has been saved. In the evening, the Tower and Justice links are available.
After school, the Sun, Moon, Emperor, Priestess, Hanged Man, Hermit, and Strength links are available. In the evening, the Justice and Devil links are available.
In the evening, your Home Shopping package will arrive. If you've saved Naoto, you can make Vichyssoise by choosing "Lots of milk."
The Hermit, Magician, Hanged Man, Strength, Sun, and Moon Social Links are available after school. The Priestess, Chariot, and Emperor links are also available if Naoto has been saved. In the evening, the Tower and Evil links are available.
During the day, the Hermit, Lovers, Death, and Temperance links are available, as is Priestess if Naoto has been saved. In the evening, the Devil and Justice links are available.
The morning lecture increases your Knowledge.
After school, the Temperance, Strength, Hermit, and Emperor links are available, as are Chariot, Lovers, and Magician if Naoto has been saved. In the evening, the Tower and Justice links are available.
9/25 - 9/30
During the daytime, the Lovers, Hermit, Death, and Magician links are available, as are Emperor and Moon (via a call) if Naoto has been saved. In the evening, the Hierophant link is available if Naoto has been saved.
After school, the A Test of Literary Memory sidequest becomes available.
The Hermit and Sun links are available after school, and the Hierophant link is available in the evening if you have saved Naoto.
You can make Sesame Spinach by choosing to "Strain it."
After school, the sun, Priestess, Hanged Man, Emperor, Strength, Chariot, and Hermit links are available. The Tower and Justice links are available in the evening.
During the afternoon conversation, say "Hyperbole" to boost your Expression and Magician Social Link.
After school, the Moon, Hermit, Sun, Strength, and Priestess links are available, as is Emperor if Naoto has been saved. The Devil link is available in the evening.
If you ordered something off Home Shopping, it should arrive tonight.
After school, the Desk Refurbishing, Part 3 sidequest becomes available.
The Priestess, Magician, Chariot, Sun, Moon, Strength, Hermit, and Hanged Man links are available after school, as is Emperor if Naoto has been saved.
In the evening, the Devil, Justice, and Tower links are available. You can cook port cutlet if you've saved Naoto; choose "Flour, egg, then panko" for success.
After school, the Hermit, Temperance, Lovers, and Moon links are available, as are Justice and Devil in the evening.
After school, the Hermit Social Link is available. In the evening, the Justice and Tower links are available.
10/2 - 10/8
During the day, the Hermit, Death, Lovers, and Magician links are available. The Emperor and Chariot (via a call) are also available if you have saved Naoto. In the evening, the Hierophant link is available if Naoto has been saved.
You can cook a Pork Kakuni tonight; choose "Mirin, sugar, and sake."
The morning lecture will increase your Knowledge.
Temperance, Hanged Man, Sun, Hermit, and Strength Social Links are available today, as are Magician, Chariot, and Priestess if Naoto has been saved. In the evening, Hierophant is available if Naoto has been saved.
Pop quiz in class today; answer "0.5 Liters" to boost your Knowledge.
After school, the Sun and Hermit links are available, and the Tower link is available in the evening.
Today is the deadline for saving Naoto; do so before evening to avoid a Game Over.
During the morning conversation, say "The green pigment ages" to boost your Expression and Magician Social Link.
After school, the Hermit link is available.
In the evening, your Home Shopping package should arrive if you ordered something.
The Devil, Tower, and Justice Social Links are available in the evening.
In the evening, the Hierophant and Devil links are available.
Pop quiz in class today: answer "Teacher" to boost your Knowledge.
After school, the Acquire a Crystal Ball, Acquire a High-Speed Gear, and Acquire a Training Shell sidequests become available.
Starting today, you can revisit Naoto's dungeon, the Secret Lab, and fight the boss for a boost of Courage. After the fight, check the operating table in the boss's room for a weapon for Naoto. The best day to do this is 10/12.
The Hermit link is available after school. You can spend time studying with Kanji, Rise, or Yukiko to boost your Knowledge and your respective Social Link with that person. In the evening, the Justice and Tower links are available.
10/9 - 10/15
The Acquire Fine Coal and A Twin's Independence sidequests become available today.
The Farewell to Man book is on sale at the bookstore.
The Hermit, Lovers, Death, Magician, and Emperor links are available during the day, and the Hierophant link is available in the evening.
During the daytime, the Priestess, Chariot, Death, Hermit, Magician, and Temperance Social Links are available, and the Hierophant link is available in the evening.
Pop quiz in class today: answer "His height" to boost your knowledge.
In the evening, the Tower and Justice links are available.
Pop quiz: answer "Two yen" to boost your knowledge.
After school, you can spend time studying with Kanji or Yukiko to boost your Knowledge and Social Link with them.
The Hermit link is available after school, and the Justice and Devil links are available in the evening.
In the evening, your Home Shopping package will arrive, if you bought something. You can make Croquettes; choose "High" to succeed.
Pop quiz in class: answer "It speed up their growth" to boost your Knowledge.
After school you can spend time studying with Chie or Yosuke to boost your Knowledge and your Social Link with them.
After school, the Emperor, Hermit, and Priestess links are available. The Devil and Tower links are available in the evening.
If you talk to Ryotaro in the evening, you can go shopping with him and Nanako. You will receive one of the following items: Houttunyia Tea x2, Paramedic Kit x3, Royal Jelly x5 or White Peach x10.
Exams start today. The answer to Q1 is "Hyperbole" and the answer to Q2 is "The growth speeds up."
Exams. The answer to Q3 is "Ferdinand Magellan" and the answer to Q4 is "1900."
10/16 - 10/22
Yosuke will call today asking if you'll hang out; accept and you'll spend the day shopping with him to raise your Social Links with Yukiko, Chie, and Rise, though you won't be able to access the Home Shopping offer this week.
Apart from that, the Death, Chariot, Hermit, Lovers, and Emperor links are available in the daytime, and Hierophant is available at night.
Exams continue. Answer to Q5: "All of the Above." Answer to Q6: "Teacher."
Exams. Answer to Q7: "Two yen." Answer to Q8: "The Sun King."
Exams. Answer to Q9: "Sardine." Answer to Q10: "Shellfish Pigment."
The result of the exam's final question is determined by your Knowledge.
After school, the Sun, Moon, Priestess, Emperor, Hermit, Chariot, Strength, and Hanged Man links are available.
After school, you can begin to take action to establish the Fortune (X) Social Link. When your Courage and Knowledge are at Rank 5, go talk to the man in black at the North Shopping District to receive a card. Tomorrow, talk to Naoto and give her the card to establish the link.
The Lovers, Moon, Temperance, Hermit, and Hanged Man links are also available today, as are Justice and Devil in the evening.
After school, the Hermit link is available. The Tower and Justice links are available in the evening.
10/23 - 10/29
Either Rise or Chie was call and ask you to spend the day with them. Accepting will boost your respective Social Link with that girl. You may not want to accept, though, as today's Home Shopping channel offers a special weapon for Teddie you can't get any other time.
The Hermit, Death, Priestess, Magician, and Emperor links are also available during the daytime, and Hierophant is available in the evening.
Your exam results will be posted at lunchtime today. See below for the rewards based on how well you did. Remember, if you're at the bottom of the class, you get nothing!
Exam Rewards
Reward Giver Below Top 10 Top 10 Head of Class
Ms. Sofue Mystical Scarab x2 Mystical Scarab x2
Ryotaro 10,000 yen 30,000 yen 50,000 yen
Nanako Special Reward
After school, the Sun, Magician, Priestess, Chariot, Fortune, hermit, Hanged Man, and Temperance links are available, and the Justice link is available at night.
At home, you can eat a snack from the fridge to boost your Courage.
After school, the Fortune, Sun, and Hermit links are available. The Hierophant link is available in the evening.
At home, you can make Grilled Fish; choose "Strong heat, but from far away."
The morning lecture will boost your Knowledge.
After school, the Emperoro, Priestess, Fortune, Strength, Moon, Hermit, and Hanged Man links are available. The Justice and Devil links are available in the evening.
You should receive your Home Shopping package tonight, if you ordered something.
In the evening, the Devil, Hierophant, and Tower links are available.
Just scenes with the Culture Festival today.
Group Date Café event today. You'll soon be given the option to "Quickly grab a guy's seat" or "Boldly sit in the girls' area."
If you choose to grab a guy's seat, choose "Someone like Chie" or "Someone like Yukiko" when the option comes up to boost your Social Link with that girl.
If you choose to sit in the girls' area, say "Ask Yukiko the same question" when the option appears to boost your Social Link with Chie. After that, choose "Yosuke" or "Kanji" to boost your Social Link with the respective person.
You'll then watch events that boost your Strength, Moon, and Sun links, although Ai's event won't happen if you're in a reverse or broken relationship with her, and Yumi's event will only happen if your Social Link with her is at Ranks 1 through 4 or at the max.
10/30 - 10/31
If your Courage is at Rank 5, you'll watch an event at the Hotsprings today.
The Experiments in Telepath, Part 2 sidequest becomes available today.
The Magician, Temperance, Priestess, Hermit, and Chariot links are available today.
11/1 - 11/5
Pop quiz in class today: answer "Your back to your shoulders" to boost your Knowledge.
After school, the Last Class book is on sale at the bookstore.
The Priestess, Sun, Hanged Man, Chariot, Hermit, Fortune, and Strength Social Links are available today. The Tower link is available in the evening.
You can make a California Roll tonight; choose "Mix and cool simultaneously."
After school, the Hermit, Fortune, Emperor, Hanged Man, and Moon links are available. In the evening, the Devil link is available, as is your final chance to raise your Hierophant link.
During the day, the Hermit link is available, and your final chance to raise your Justice Social Link is available in the evening. The Tower and Devil links are also available in the evening.
In the afternoon conversation, choose "It excretes toxins" to boost your Expression and Magician Social Link.
After school, the Hermit link is available.
Just cutscenes today.
11/6 - 11/12
The Hermit and Death links are available today.
You now have until 11/20 to rescue Nanako from the new dungeon, Heaven, or it's Game Over for you. This new dungeon has 10 floors, with bosses on the 7th and 10th floors. The rainy days to tackle this dungeon are 11/11, 11/18, 11/19, and 11/20 (but note that 11/20 is the last rainy day before the game's final boss).
The best plan is to clear the way to the 7th floor, then go back down to the entrance and swap in some fresh teammates with full SP to deal with the 7th floor boss.
Boss: World Balance
HP: 1,200 • Suggested Level: 60
The World Balance always uses Mind Charge and follows it up with a skill to exploit one of your teammates' weaknesses. Use Diarahan and Samarecarm, and just go to town on this low-HP boss. It shouldn't last very long.
Proceed to the 10th floor, use the Save Point, and exit the dungeon.
Return no later than 11/20 and take on the 10th floor boss. Make sure the Protagonist can use Ice, Elec, Wind, and Fire skills, as well as Mind Charge, Makarakarn, Samarecarm, and Mediarahan. Have Personae that have Null, Repel, and/or Absorb Fire/Ice/Elec/Wind.
Boss: Kunino-sagiri
HP: 8,500 • Suggested Level: 64
When the battle begins, start attacking the boss until you've chipped away about a third of his health. At that point, the boss will use Quad Converge, which makes your party much more susceptible to one element. This includes the boss, so you can exploit this! Switch your party to Manual control and make everyone Guard. Watch to see which elemental skill the boss uses, then use Makarakarn or a Magic Mirror on any character already weak to that element. Now use that same element to attack the boss!
After Kunino-sagiri's health drops to 50%, it will take control of one of your teammates for two turns. Switch to a Persona that can resist or null this character's attacks, and keep attacking the boss. Once its HP drops to 25%, it will take control of all three of your teammates. Switch to a Persona that can block physical attacks and Guard for a couple turns until the teammates are freed from the boss's grasp.
When Kunino-sagiri's health is very low, expect it to use Unerring Justice, which can damage you for up to around 200 HP! Use Masukukaja and Sukunda to boost your chances of evading it. Continue attacking the boss, as it's almost dead! It should drop soon at this point in the battle.
Pop quiz in class today: answer "The south pole" to boost your Knowledge.
After school, the Strength, Hermit, Temperance, and Hanged Man links are available. If you have saved Nanako, then the Priestess, Magician, Fortune, and Chariot links are available.
After school, the Sun, Hanged Man, Hermit, and Strength links are available. If Nanako has been saved, the Fortune, Chariot, and Priestess links are available. In the evening, the Tower link is available.
After school, the Moon, Hermit, and Hanged Man links are available. The Emperor, Priestess, and Fortune links are available if Nanako has been saved. In the evening, the Devil link is available.
After school, the Hermit, Hanged Man, Sun, Moon, and Strength links are available. If Nanako has been saved, then the Magician, Emperor, Chariot, Priestess, and Fortune links are also available. In the evening, the Devil and Tower links are available.
Pop quiz in class today: answer "Koch" for a Knowledge boost.
After school, the Hermit Social Link is available. The Devil link is available in the evening.
After school, the Revenge of Riddle Senpai! sidequest becomes available.
The Strength, Hermit, and Temperance links are available after school. If Nanako has been saved, the Magician, Emperor, Chariot, Lovers, and Fortune links are also available. In the evening, the Tower link is available.
11/13 - 11/19
During the daytime, the Death and Hermit links are available. If Nanako has been saved, the Magician, Lovers, and Emperor links are available as well.
After school, the Temperance, Hanged Man, Hermit, and Sun links are available. If Nanako has been saved, the Priestess, Chariot, Magician, and Fortune links are available.
After school, the Hanged Man, Sun, Strength, and Hermit links are available. The Priestess, Fortune, and Chariot links are available if Nanako has been saved. In the evening, the Tower link is available.
The Moon, Hanged Man, Strength, and Hermit links are available after school, and if Nanako has been saved, so are Fortune, Emperor, and Priestess. The Devil link is available in the evening.
If you ordered something from Home Shopping, it will arrive tonight.
During the morning conversation, say "Gamble" to boost your Expression and Magician Social Link.
After school, the Sun, Moon, Hanged Man, Strength, and Hermit links are available, as are Fortune, Chariot, Emperor, Priestess, and Magician if Nanako has been saved. The Devil and Tower links are available in the evening.
The Hermit link is available after school, and the Devil link is available in the evening.
After school, the Hermit link is available. The Tower link is available in the evening.
11/20 - 11/26
Today is the deadline for saving Nanako, so if you haven't done that, get off your ass and do it! You don't want a Game Over, do you?
The Hermit Social Link is available during the daytime.
The morning lecture will boost your Knowledge.
Pop quiz in class today; answer "The Patagonian Ice Field" to boost your Knowledge.
After school, you can return to Nanako's dungeon and fight the new boss there. After the fight, check the flowers to the right of the stairs to the dais for a nice accessory.
Today, the The Girl on the Rooftop, Part 2, Desk Refurbishing, Part 4, Acquire an Old Ore, and Acquire a Modest Lamp sidequests are available.
The Priestess, Chariot, Hermit, and Fortune links are available today. The Tower link is available in the evening, as is Magician if you return to your room without having left the house (Yosuke will call and ask you to hang out tomorrow, but we advise against this, as it's more beneficial to visit Nanako and receive the Social Link boosts).
Speak with Naoto at the Riverbank to visit Nanako to boost your Social Links. The Death, Fortune, Priestess, Hermit, and Emperor links are also available during the day, and Devil in the evening.
Pop quiz in class: answer "Six" to boost your Knowledge.
After school, speak with Rise on the 1st floor hallway to spend more time with Nanako and boost your Social Links. The Priestess, Magician, Chariot, Emperor, Fortune, and Hermit links are available, and the Devil and Tower links are available in the evening.
Pop quiz in class today: answer "It's the last chance" for a Knowledge boost.
After school, talk to Kanji on the Practice Building's first floor to visit Nanako to boost your Social Links. The Hermit, Fortune, Lovers, and Temperance links are also available, as is Devil in the evening.
Pop quiz today: answer "X'mas" to boost your Knowledge.
Speak with Yukiko after school on the 1st floor to visit Nanako to boost your Social Links. The Fortune, Chariot, Hermit, Lovers, Magician, and Emperor links are also available after school, as is Tower in the evening.
11/27 - 11/30
NOTE: Today is the last free day before the events that decide your ending.
Speak with Naoto or Chie to spend time with Nanako and boost your Social Links. The Magician, Death, Emperor, Lovers, and Hermit links are also available.
Exams start again today! Answer to Q1: "Oct." Answer to Q2: "The back to the shoulders."
Exams. Answer to Q3: "It excretes toxins." Answer to Q4: "Chile and Argentina."
Exams. Answer to Q5: "A gamble." Answer to Q6: "William Shakespeare."
12/1 - 12/3
Exams continue! Answer to Q7: "The South Pole, 30 degrees." Answer to Q8: "1,000,000 dollars."
Exams. Answer to Q9: "Discovered tuberculosis." Answer to Q10: "French."
The result of the final question is based on your current Knowledge.
In the evening, you will be asked some questions by Yosuke. If you get even one of the answers wrong, you won't be able to do anything until 12/7, and then you'll get the Bad Ending in March of the next year. To get the Good Ending, and finish out December, here are the correct answers:
"Wait a second here..."
"We're missing something."
"Namatame's true feelings."
"Something's bothering me."
"We're missing something..."
"Calm the hell down!"
If you get all the answers right, you'll also establish your Judgment (XX) Social Link. Afterward, you can go home to save your game and rest until tomorrow.
12/4 - 12/10
Just cutscenes today.
Time for another investigation! Go to the Shrine first and speak with the woman out front. Talk to her again, and ask her something else.
You must now talk to several people, always bringing up the "About those murders..." and "Recall anyone suspicious?" dialogue options. Here are the people you must interrogate:
The old man next to the woman in front of the Shrine.
The man standing next to Rise in the Shopping District's north end.
The man with a gas mask in the Shopping District's north end.
The girl by Yosuke in the Shopping District's south end.
The woman across the street from the gas station in the Shopping District's south end.
The girl in the lobby of Junes.
The old man in front of the gazebo on the Riverbank's Path.
The guy by the tree on the Riverbank's Path.
After you've spoken to everyone, you'll convene at the restaurant to confirm the suspect. You must pick from a list of 26 suspects, and you have only three chances to get it right. If you screw this up, you'll get the Bad Ending. Guess correctly to stay on path for the Good Ending. Incidentally, the correct suspect is the tenth one on the list.
Just cutscenes today.
Just cutscenes today.
Your exam scores are posted at lunchtime today. See your rewards below. This time, you'll get a Social Link boost as always, but only Ms. Sofue has something for you. As always, if you're at the bottom of the class, you get nothing, amigo!
Exam Rewards
Reward Giver Below Top 10 Top 10 Head of Class
Ms. Sofue Soma x1 Soma x1
After school, the Strength, Hanged Man, Hermit, Sun, and Moon Social Links are available. In the evening, the Devil and Tower links are available.
Magatsu Inaba/Mandala
Starting today, you have until 12/24 to enter the final dungeon and capture the suspect, or it's Game Over. If you defeat the final boss before the evening of 12/22, you will jump to 12/23 and receive a special Christmas scene and receive an accessory, though this isn't worth the time you would have been spending raising your Social Links, so wait as long as possible before taking on the final boss. You're going to want to spend your remaining free days building up your Social Links so you can have access to the advanced Personae.
When you enter the dungeon for the first time by talking to Teddie in the TV world, you'll want to spend some time acquiring items; the treasures you find on your trek there can be sold to unlock new armor.
This dungeon is made up of two areas. The first area, the Magatsu Inaba, has three floors. Once you get to the 2nd floor of this area, you can't go back, and you can't go to the third floor until you've gone through a bit of the other area, called Magatsu Mandala, which is accessible in the center of this floor.
When you get to the 3rd floor of Magatsu Mandala, you have to get through the floor without getting into a fight with the shadows; if you do, you'll be returned to the entrance of the dungeon. Use this to your advantage if you want to exit the dungeon: get into a fight with a shadow on purpose to get booted, then come back refreshed!
To get through the 3rd floor of Magatsu Mandala, go right at the first intersection, left at the next, straight at the next, left at the next, left at the next, right at the next, right at the next, and straight at the next two. That should take you to the first boss of this dungeon, Chaos Fuzz.
Boss: Chaos Fuzz
HP: 600 • Suggested Level: 70
The Chaos Fuzz will use every turn to summon more Chaos Fuzzes, as well as other enemies, so you'll want to throw up Tetrakarn and use counterattack skills. Equip counterattacking accessories, while you're at it. Use Charged attacks to hit multiple enemies and take them out as fast as you can.
Fighting the Shadows on this floor will not boot you from the dungeon now. Proceed to the 6th floor, then exit the dungeon to come back another day.
When you return, be prepared to face the 6th floor boss.
Boss: Envious Giant
HP: 3,333 • Suggested Level: 73
The Envious Giant is in love with the Megidoloan attack, which it uses almost all the time, though it will randomly toss in a Tentarafoo to Confuse you. Have the Protagonist equipped with an accessory to null Panic, and use Amrita or Me Patra on someone if they become Panicked. Use physical attacks on the Envious Giant. Keep your HP up with Mediarahan, especially just before the boss's next turn, and use Masukukaja to dodge the Megidolaons.
You can now access the final boss on the 3rd floor of Magatsu Inaba. Spend any free days left building your levels in the dungeon before facing that final challenge! Note that if you try to escape the dungeon from the Save Point just before the final boss, you'll be taken back to the 6th floor of Magatsu Mandala, not the entrance.
Boss: Adachi
HP: 4,200 • Suggested Level: 78
No, this isn't the final boss battle, but it leads straight into it, so bear that in mind. Have Yosuke use Dekaja on the boss to null the boosts of his Heat Riser skill, then use a Persona that can nullify physical attacks to cripple his Vorpal Blade attack. Have accessories equipped to boost your Evade, and a Bravery Vessel (or better) equipped to the Protagonist, too. Use the appropriate Personae to cover any weaknesses your party members have, and be prepared for Adachi to use Ghastly Wail and Evil Smile when his HP gets low.
Boss: Ameno-sagiri
HP: 8,000 • Suggested Level: 78
First off, if your HP/SP is low from the battle with Adachi, use a Soma to restore your party.
Ameno-sagiri gets two actions per turn, so you'll need to cover your weaknesses with Makarakam or Magic Mirrors. Use Power Charge and Mind Charge to attack the boss, and put the party on Manual control to make sure they use those attacks. Boost your attacks with Matarukaja and Rakunda. Sukunda and Masukukaja are also excellent at preventing attacks from hitting you.
Once you've knocked off a third of his HP, the boss will begin to use Nebula Oculus. This hits everyone in the party for about 200 HP of damage. Cast Mediarahan every turn, and eat some Soul Foods when your SP gets low.
Continue attacking until you've chipped away half of his health, at which point he'll use Bewildering Fog and begin storing up energy for a powerful attack against you. Make sure everyone's Manually controlled, and have them all Guard until the powerful attack comes. In the meantime, you should also be casting Dekaja on Ameno-sagiri to remove the buffs he gives himself.
When Ameno-sagiri's health reaches critically low levels, he'll use Quake to damage characters for 150 HP. This attack can also knock someone down. Prevent this by using Sukunda and Masukukaja. When he starts storing up power again, remember to Guard, then go back on the offensive once the attack has been executed. Continue using these strategies until the Ameno-sagiri is no more!
The game will now jump to the evening of 12/23 if you defeated Ameno-sagiri before 12/22, or the next day if you defeated him on 12/23 or 12/24.
Pop quiz: answer "Insects" for a Knowledge boost.
After school, the Emperor, Lovers, Magician, Hermit, Moon, Temperance, Hanged Man, and Fortune links are available. The Devil link is available in the evening.
Pop quiz: answer "The 'big' toe" for a Knowledge boost.
The Chariot, Temperance, Strength, Hermit, and Priestess links are available today. In the evening, the Tower link is available.
12/11 - 12/17
The Death, Emperor, Lovers, and Hermit links are available in the daytime.
After school, the Temperance, Sun, Hanged Man, Strength, Magician, Priestess, Hermit, and Fortune links are available.
After school, the Hermit, Fortune, Strength, Chariot, Sun, and Hanged Man links are available. In the evening, the Tower link is available.
After school, the Moon, Magician, Hanged Man, Hermit, Priestess, and Emperor links are available, and the Devil link is available in the evening.
After school, the Hermit, Fortune, Strength, Priestess, Sun, Moon, and Hanged Man links are available, as are Tower and Devil in the evening.
After school, the Temperance, Moon, Lovers, Hanged Man, and Hermit links are available, as is Devil in the evening.
In the morning conversation, say "That it follows something" to boost your Expression and Chariot Social Link.
After school, the Hermit, Fortune, Temperance, Strength, Chariot, and Magician links are available, as is Tower in the evening.
12/18 - 12/24
In the daytime, the Emperor, Death, Hermit, Priestess, and Lovers (last chance to boost this link) links are available.
After school, the Temperance, Sun, Fortune, Hermit, Hanged Man, Magician, and Chariot (last chance to boost this link) links are available.
After school, the Sun, Hermit, Hanged Man, Strength, and Priestess (last chance to boost this link) links are available, as is Tower in the evening.
In the afternoon conversation, say "It's a sign of royal blood" to boost your Expression and Magician Social Link.
After school, the Hanged Man, Moon, Fortune, Emperor, Hermit, and Magician (last chance to boost this link) links are available, as is Devil in the evening.
Today is the deadline for capturing the suspect from the final dungeon and receiving the special Christmas scene. If you don't do this today, then you won't see this scene.
After school you'll have the final chance to boost your Sun, Hanged Man, Moon, Emperor, and Strength Social Links. The Hermit link is also available. In the evening, you'll have your last chance to boost your Tower link.
In the daytime you'll have the final chance to boost your Temperance and Death links. The Hermit link is also available. In the evening you'll have your last chance to boost your Devil link.
If you captured the suspect before the evening of the 22nd, the special Christmas scene will take place tonight. In this scene, you will receive a text from the person you're closest to, asking you to spend Christmas Eve with them. Accept and you'll jump to the evening of the 24th and receive an accessory from that person.
Today is the deadline for capturing the suspect, or it's Game Over for you.
After school, you'll have your last chance to boost your Hermit link.
Watch the ending scenes! If you're on the path to the Good Ending, you'll then jump to March of the following year, in the Epilogue.
Today you can go talk to any character you have a maxed Social Link with. Use this list to see where they can be found.
Magician: At Junes.
Priestess: Take the bus from the Shopping District to the Amagi Inn.
Empress: In front of the Velvet Room door in the Shopping District.
Emperor: In front of the Dye store in the Shopping District.
Hierophant: In front of Dojima's house.
Lovers: In front of Rise's mother's Tofu store in the Shopping District.
Chariot: In front of the Bookstore.
Justice: Nanako can be found in front of her house.
Hermit: At the Shrine in the Shopping District.
Fortune: On the 1st floor hallway of the school.
Strength: At the Aiya Restaurant in the Shopping District.
Hanged Man: In front of the Liquor Store in the Shopping District.
Death: At the Riverbank's edge.
Temperance: Take the bus from the Shopping District to the hill above the town.
Devil: Take the bus from the Shopping District to the Hospital.
Tower: In front of the Shiroku store in the Shopping Disctrict.
Star: If you've maxed out your Magician link, Teddie will be at the Food Court in Junes. If not, then he'll be in front of the Shiroku store in the Shopping District.
Moon: In the lobby of the school.
Sun (Music): In the school's Music Room.
Sun (Drama): In the school's Drama Club Room.
You'll be asked to go to your house now. Go there if you want to see the Normal Ending. If, on the other hand, you wish to see the game's True Ending, go to Junes and check the elevator. You'll be asked if you want to go home. Say "No," then check the elevator again. Say "I'm not finished yet," then say "Yes."
Watch the event that follows, then head to the Floodplain. Speak to Dojima and Nanako, then head to the Velvet Room. Igor will give you the Orb of Sight (unless this is your Second Cycle, in which case you'll get something else). Now speak to the man in front of the Shopping District's Gas Station.
Enter the TV World now and you'll see that a new dungeon is available. Note that once you enter the TV World, you cannot return to the real world! Here in the TV World, you can revisit old dungeons and have a discount at the Weapon and Dry Goods store.
Talk to Teddie when you're ready to access the new dungeon, Yomotsu Hirasaka.
Yomotsu Hirasaka
This dungeon has nine floors, with bosses on the 3rd, 6th, and 9th floors. If for some unearthly reason Rise has not learned Relaxing Wave by now, make sure she's learned it before you attempt this dungeon!
In the center of the 3rd floor, you'll face your first boss, the Neo Minotaur.
Boss: Neo Minotaur
HP: 4,240 • Suggested Level: 80
Bring along a Persona that can resist physical attacks and you've got it made in the shade here. Boost some elemental attacks to take him out quickly, and use Mediarahan after he uses a Rampage attack to keep your HP up.
Proceed to the 6th floor to take on the next boss, the Sleeping Table.
Boss: Sleeping Table
HP: 2,000 • Suggested Level: 82
If you've played Persona 3, then you know this boss, and are predisposed to hate it. And yes, you'll hate it here, too. Use a Persona that protects against fire and light attacks, and have some Homunculus items to further boost your protection. Use Amrita to cure anyone affected by its Evil Smile as quickly as you can, because the boss can use Ghastly Wail to kill any Frightened teammate. Have a Bravery Vessel equipped on the Protagonist is a smart idea. Use your strongest attacks except light and dark skills to take the Sleeping Table down.
Now make the final trek to the 9th floor, where you'll face the final boss of the dungeon, Izanami.
Final Boss: Izanami/Izanami-no-Okami
Izanami - HP: 3,500 • Izanami-no-Okami - HP: 8,000 • Suggested Level: 84
You'll want to make sure you have all your teammates' weaknesses covered for this battle; better yet, just use characters with no weaknesses at all. Use Mediarahan or salvation to heal fully every turn, as Izanami's attacks can be quite hard-hitting, in the 200-300 HP range. When she uses Mind Charge, have everyone in the party Guard on the next turn, and heal up after the devastating attack. Once Izanami's health is at critical levels, she'll keep reviving with 1 HP. You need to just keep attacking her and survive a few more rounds until the Orb of Sight transforms Izanami into her final form...
Use a Soma to get everyone back to 100%. The boss gets two actions per round, and she'll use Mind Charge often, so Guard whenever she does. Use Dekunda if she uses Marakunda to lower your defenses. Periodically, you should cast Sukunda and/or Masukukaja to boost your evade rate, and use Personae that blocks lightning attacks. Use Fire, Ice, and Wind skills against Izanami-no-Okami, and don't bother with physical attacks at all, as they're too weak.
Once the boss's HP drops below the 50% mark, she'll begin to use Galgalim Eyes (reduces your HP to 1) and Debilitate, as well as an attack that cuts off half your teammates' HP. Use Dekunda to counter the effects of Debilitate, and heal up your critical character after Galgalim Eyes with Salvation or Mediarahan.
Once Izanami-no-Okami's HP drops to near-zero, she'll try to remove the Protagonist from the battle with a skill that triggers a cutscene. You are now invincible and can use the Myriad Truth skill to finish off Izanami-no-Okami!
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