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Tuesday, 27 August 2013

sengoku bazara 3

Bonus characters
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding character:
    Chosokabe Motochika: Successfully complete Heroes Story mode (Sengoku Drama Emaki) with Saika Magoichi.
    Fuma Kotaro: Successfully complete Heroes Story mode (Sengoku Drama Emaki) with Sanada Yukimura.
    Hattori Hanzo: Successfully complete Level 4 of Kotaro Fuma's blue route.
    Honda Tadakatsu: Successfully complete Heroes Story mode (Sengoku Drama Emaki) with Yoshihiro Shimazu and Yoshitsugi Otani.
    Maeda Keiji: Successfully complete Heroes Story mode (Sengoku Drama Emaki) with Date Masamune.
    Mori Motonari: Successfully complete Heroes Story mode (Sengoku Drama Emaki) with Tsuruhime and Chosokabe.
    Oda Nobunaga: Successfully complete Oichi's Story mode, then start again. Take the Green route, and follow Tenkai when you reach Kobayakawa's stage. Kill Tenkai, and complete the route. Return to any cleared character, and look for a short grey alternate route near the end of one of their normal routes. Use that route, and follow the grey path. Successfully complete the Honnoji stage to unlock Nobunaga.
    Oichi: Successfully complete Heroes Story mode (Sengoku Drama Emaki) with Fuma and Maeda.
    Otani Yoshitsugu: Successfully complete Heroes Story mode (Sengoku Drama Emaki) with Ishida Mitsunari.
    Shimazu Yoshihiro: Successfully complete Heroes Story mode (Sengoku Drama Emaki) with Kuroda Kanbe.
    Tsuruhime: Successfully complete Heroes Story mode (Sengoku Drama Emaki) with Tokugawa Ieyasu.
  • Alternate costumes
    Successfully complete Story mode to unlock that character's alternate costume.
  • Extreme mode
    Successfully complete the game on the Hard difficulty to unlock the Extreme difficulty.
  • Trophies
    Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:
      Eastern Savior (Bronze): Complete Heroes' Story with Ieyasu Tokugawa.
      Seeker of Vengeance (Bronze): Complete Heroes' Story with Mitsunari Ishida.
      Bird of Paradise (Bronze): Complete Heroes' Story with Magoichi Saica.
      Inadequate Tactician (Bronze): Complete Heroes' Story with Kanbe Kuroda.
      Chief of Oshu (Bronze): Complete Heroes' Story with Masamune Date.
      Spear of Divine Rule (Bronze): Complete Heroes' Story with Yukimura Sanada.
      Demon King (Bronze): Complete Heroes' Story with Nobunaga Oda.
      Humble Samurai (Bronze): Complete Heroes' Story on Easy difficulty.
    Additionally, there are 47 secret trophies:
      Sky Watcher (Bronze): Complete Heroes' Story with Yoshitsugu Otani.
      Innocent Dreamer (Bronze): Complete Heroes' Story with Tsuruhime.
      Vagabond (Bronze): Complete Heroes' Story with Keiji Maeda.
      King of the Seas (Bronze): Complete Heroes' Story with Motochika Chosokabe.
      Tactful Leader (Bronze): Complete Heroes' Story with Motonari Mori.
      Beast (Bronze): Complete Heroes' Story with Yoshihiro Shimazu.
      Mighty Samurai (Bronze): Complete Heroes' Story with Tadakatsu Honda.
      Wind Rider (Bronze): Complete Heroes' Story with Kotaro Fuma.
      Night Whisperer (Bronze): Complete Heroes' Story with Oichi.
      Proud Daimyo (Bronze): Complete Heroes' Story on Normal difficulty.
      Fearless Shogun (Bronze): Complete Heroes' Story on Hard difficulty.
      Complete Victor (Bronze): Complete Heroes' Story with all of the heroes.
      Smooth Operator (Bronze): Complete Heroes' Story while taking no damage in at least one battle.
      Army Annihilator (Bronze): Complete Heroes' Story while defeating over 5,000 enemies.
      Frenzied Fighter (Bronze): Complete Heroes' Story while performing a combo of 500 hits or higher.
      One Trick Samurai (Bronze): Complete Heroes' Story while using only Normal Art combos in at least one battle.
      Secret trophy (Bronze): Unknown.
      BASARA Freak (Bronze): Complete Heroes' Story while finishing every battle with BASARA/Ultimate BASARA Arts.
      Singing Samurai (Bronze): Have either 'Lute' or 'Koto' equipped for a whole battle.
      BASARA Fan (Bronze): Finish a battle with a BASARA/Ultimate BASARA Art.
      Comeback Kid (Bronze): Finish a battle with an Ultimate BASARA Art while your health is low (5,000 health points or less).
      Hawk Eye (Bronze): Finish a battle with a parry.
      Frenzy n00b (Bronze): Perform a 500 hit combo for the first time.
      Combo Master (Bronze): Perform a 2,000 hit combo for the first time.
      Hit Count Hero (Bronze): Perform a 10,000 hit combo for the first time.
      Beloved General (Bronze): Have 'Support Beam' equipped for a whole battle.
      Sideline General (Bronze): Have 'Hairs of Encouragement' equipped for a whole battle.
      Slots Samurai (Bronze): Have 'Big Bucks Wallet' equipped for a Whole Battle
      Peaceful Soul (Bronze): Have 'Sunglasses' equipped for a whole battle.
      Horseman (Bronze): Finish a battle on horseback.
      Gourmet Shogun (Bronze): Finish a battle after eating 25 rice balls.
      Steel Liver Samurai (Bronze): Finish a battle after drinking 15 drinks.
      Treasure Hunter (Bronze): Acquire a combination of 24 or more Hatena Boxes and Weapons from one battle.
      Considerate Commander (Bronze): Finish a battle without breaking a single basket.
      Lover of the Fight (Bronze): Complete all 38 battles.
      100 Hour Hero (Bronze): Play for 100 hours.
      War Vet (Bronze): Complete 100 battles.
      Pack Rat (Bronze): Acquire every material.
      Man of Morals (Silver): Complete Heroes' Story while defeating less than 100 enemies.
      Better Than the Best (Silver): Complete Heroes' Story on Hard while not equipping Accessories on your Default Weapon (1st Weapon).
      Millionaire (Silver): Reach a balance of 1,000,000 Zennys.
      Weapon Retailer (Silver): Acquire every weapon in the game.
      Bounty Hunter (Silver): KO every fugitive with a single Hero.
      Fashionista (Silver): Acquire every accessory.
      Good Parent (Gold): Level up every Hero to their maximum level.
      Good Friend (Gold): Recruit every ally.
      Samurai Hero (Platinum): Acquire all Trophies in the game.
  • monster hunter unlockables

    Rathian ecology - Beat the offline 5-star 

    mission 'Slay the Rathian' 

    Offline Secret Urgent Quests
    ALL QUESTS MUST have been completed to unlock these. All you need to do is make one armor piece, not a full set. You don't have to wear them.

    A Troublesome Pair - Complete ALL quests and secret quests 

    Handle with Care - Complete Terror of the Gravios 

    Terror of the Gravios - A Cephalos Armor Piece 

    The Runaway Diablos - A Monoblos Armor Piece 

    The Shadow in the Cave - A Vespoid Armor Piece 

    Sword behind your house (Offline)
    After Clearing the 5 star rathalos urgent quest, you talk to the village elder. He will then congratulate you. After this, go behind the house and press Square to obtain it.

    Unlocking Gallery Movies
    All of these quests are from offline mode and are 5 star or Urgent Quests

    Diablos Ecology - Beat The Runaway Diablos 

    Gravios Ecology - Beat Terror Of The Gravios 

    Hall Of Heros - Beat Horn Of The Monoblos 

    Khezu Ecology - Best The Shadow In The Cave 

    Plesioth Ecology - Beat Water Wyvern In The Desert 

    Rathian Ecology - Beat Slay the Rathian 

    fusion recipe persona4

    1イザナギFoolIzanagiFool Yomotsu-shikome x Fool Obariyon-
    2ピクシーMagicianPixieMagician Orobas x Magician Jack Frost-
    2スライムChariotSlimeChariot Nata Taishi x Chariot Eligor-
    3ウコバクDevilUkobachDevil Lilim x Devil Vetala-
    4エンジェルJusticeAngelMagician Pixie x Strength Sandman-
    4アプサラスTemperanceApsarasMagician Pixie x Fool Izanagi; Magician Pixie x Chariot Slime-
    5ザントマンStrengthSandmanMagician Pixie x Justice Angel-
    6ナタタイシChariotNata TaishiChariot Eligor x Chariot Slime-
    6フォルネウスHermitForneusChariot Slime x Death Ghoul-
    7オモイカネHierophantOmoikaneFool Izanagi x Temperance Apsaras-
    7ヨモツシコメFoolYomotsu-shikomeFool Izanagi x Fool Obariyon-
    8ヴァルキリーStrengthValkyrieChariot Slime x Sun Cu Sith-
    8オロバスMagicianOrobasFool Izanagi x Strength Sandman; Chariot Slime x Temperance Apsaras-
    9センリEmpressSenriEmpress Titania x Empress Yaksini; Magician Orobas x Hermit Forneus-
    9グールDeathGhoulHierophant Omoikane x Empress Senri-
    10リリムDevilLilimFool Izanagi x Sun Cu Sith-
    10カーシーSunCu SithFool Izanagi x Chariot Slime; Priestess Saki Mitama Hierophant Omoikane-
    11サキミタマPriestessSaki MitamaPriestess Sarasvati x Priestess High Pixie; Empress Senri x Devil Ukobach-
    11シルフTemperanceSylphMagician Pixie x Chariot Nata Taishi; Fool Izanagi x Magician Jack Frost-
    11アークエンジェルJusticeArchangelChariot Slime x Empress Senri; Magician Pixie x Strength Titan; Fool Izanagi x Magician Pixie x Chariot Slime-
    12エリゴールChariotEligorMagician Pixie x Sun Cu Sith; Fool Izanagi x Magician Pixie x Strength Sandman-
    12オベロンEmperorOberonStrenght Sandman x Magician Pixie x Chariot Slime-
    13オバリヨンFoolObariyonChariot Slime x Strenght Sandman x Death Ghoul-
    14モコイDeathMokoiTemperance Sylph x Hangedman Berith-
    14ティターンStrengthTitanChariot Nata Taishi x Sun Cu Sith-
    15アンズーHierophantAnzuTemperance Sylph x Fool Yomotsu-shikome-
    15ベリスHangedmanBerithDeath Ghoul x Strength Valkyrie-
    16ジャックフロストMagicianJack FrostHierophant Omoikane x Temperance Sylph; Chariot Eligor x Strength Titan-
    16カイチTemperanceXiezhaiDevil Lilim x Fool Obariyon-
    17イッポンダタラHermitIppon-dataraDevil Ukobach x Temperance Sylph; Death Ghoul x Fool Obariyon-
    17サラスヴァティPriestessSarasvatiJustice Archangel x Hangedman Berith-
    18アラミタマChariotAra MitamaFool Obariyon x Hierophant Anzu-
    18ヤクシニーEmpressYaksiniDeath Ghoul x Sun Cu Sith-
    19プリンシパリティJusticePrincipalityHierophant Anzu x Hermit Ippon-datara; Moon Andra x Strength Sandman-
    19ヴェータラDevilVetalaFool Obariyon x Sun Cu Sith-
    20アンドラスMoonAndraFool Izanagi x Empress Senri Chariot Slime x Justice Angel x Chariot Nata Taishi; Devil Lilim x Chariot Eligor-
    20ホウオウSunPhoenixDeath Ghoul x Hermit Ippon-datara-
    21シーサーHierophantShiisaPriestess Saki Mitama X Temperance Nigi Mitama-
    21レギオンFoolLegionFool Obariyon x Fool Ose-
    22キングフロストEmperorKing FrostDevil Lilim x Hierophant Anzu-
    22ハイピクシーPriestessHigh PixieJustice Angel x Magican Pixie x Fortune Fortuna; Hangedman Berith x Death Matador Moon Andras x Hangedman Berith-
    22ヨモツイクサHangedmanYomotsu-ikusaStrength Valkyrie x Death Matador-
    23ラクシャーサStrengthRakshasaFool Obariyon x Hermit Ippon-datara; Justice Principality x Magician Jack Frost-
    23ニギミタマTemperanceNigi MitamaStrength Titan x Justice Principality-
    24マタドールDeathMatadorHierophant Anzu x Hangedman Berith; Pristess Saki Mitama x Fool Legion; Priestess Saki Mitama x Fool Ose; Priestess Ganga x Fool Obariyon-
    24キウンStarKaiwanDevil Lilim x Death Ghoul-
    25クイーンメイブLoversQueen MabFool Izanagi x Chariot Slime x Empress Senri; Tower Tao Tie x Death Ghoul; Devil Incubus x Hanged Makami x Hierophant Omoikane-
    25アレスChariotAresEmpress Yaksini x Death Matador; Sun Phoenix x Magician Jack Frost-
    25カハクMagicianHua PoChariot Eligor x Temperance Nigi Mitama; Moon Andra x Emperor Oberon-
    26ラミアHermitLamiaChariot Eligor x Death Matador-
    26ティターニアEmpressTitaniaDeath Mokoi x Sun Gdon; Hangedman Makami x Emperor King Frost-
    27パワーJusticePowerHierophant Shiisa x Hermit Lamia-
    27ノズチMoonNozuchiEmperor King Frost x Empress Yaksini-
    27マカミHangedmanMakamiTemperance Apsaras x Moon Alraune-
    28クシミタマStrengthKusi MitamaSun Cu Sith x Moon Alraune; Emperor King Frost x Magician Hua Po-
    28インキュバスDevilIncubusEmpress Yaksini x Temperance Nigi Mitama-
    29ガンガーPriestessGangaDeath Ghoul x Moon Alraune-
    29ユニコーンHierophantUnicornChariot Eligor x Star Fuu-ki; Strength Oni x Hangedman Yomotsu-ikusa; Priestess Ganga x Temperance Nigi Mitama; Temperance Xiezhai x Lovers Undine-
    30オニStrengthOniHangedman Makami x Fool Ose-
    31ミトラTemperanceMithraJustice Power x Strength Oni; Magician Hua Po x Chariot Ares-
    31オセFoolOseEmperor King Frost x Priestess High Pixie x Strength Rakshasa; Fool Decarabia x Fool Shiki-ouji-
    31ドゥンSunGdonChariot Nata Taishi x Moon Alraune; Death Matador x Hermit Lamia-
    32ジャックランタンMagicianPyro JackChariot Ares x Temperance Mithra-
    32ネコショウグンStarNeko ShogunChariot Ara Mitama x Kusi Mitama x Saki Mitama x Nigi Mitama-
    33モスマンHermitMothmanDeath Ghoul x Fool Decarabia-
    33ウンディーネLoversUndineTower Tao Tie x Death Matador; Moon Andra x Fortune Fortuna-
    33ヴァーチャーJusticeVirtueHierophant Unicorn x Hermit Lamia-
    34セタンタEmperorSetantaFool Obariyon x Moon Alraune; Star Garuda x Strength Sandman-
    34ゴルゴンEmpressGorgonHierophant Shiisa x Moon Alraune; Fool Ose x Empress Gorgon-
    34ヤマタノオロチMoonYamatano-orochiEmpress Yaksini x Fool Decarabia-
    35フォルトゥナFortuneFortunaFool Izanagi x Magician Pixie x Chariot Slime;Fool Izanagi x Strength Sandman x Chariot Slime-
    35トウテツTowerTao TieTemperance Sylph x Strength Kusi Mitama x Strength Oni
    Temperance Sylph x Strength Kusi Mitama x Hermit Mothman
    Temperance Sylph x Magician Orobas x Sun Phoenix _ Chariot Nata Taishi x Temperance Sylph x Strength Oni
    36サマエルDeathSamaelPriestess Saki Mitama x Fool Shiki-ouji; Fool Legion x Emperor Setanta-
    36フラロウスHierophantFlaurosStar Fuu-ki x Chariot Ara Mitama; Temperance Sylph x Fool Shiki-ouji-
    37パズスDevilPazuzuHangedman Makami x Sun Gdon-
    37パールヴァティPriestessParvatiDeath Matador x Moon Alraune; Moon Andra x Hanged Yatsufasa-
    38ジャアクフロストFoolBlack FrostMagician Pyro Jack x Magician Jack Frost x Emperor King Frost x Magician Pixie x Death Ghoul-
    38ドミニオンJusticeDominionDeath Samael x Temperance Genbu x Hierophant Shiisa; Priestess Parvati x Moon Yamata-no-Orochi-
    39オルトロスHangedmanOrthrusTemperance Nigi Mitama Moon Alraune; Moon Andra x Temperance Genbu-
    39ディースMagicianDisJustice Archangel x Fool Shiki-ouji; Hermit Lamia x Lovers Leanan; Magician Pyro Jack x Sun Gdon x Priestess Parvati-
    40ゲンブTemperanceGenbuSun Yatagarasu x Hermit Mothman; Devil Lilim x Fool Shiki-ouji-
    40ヤタガラスSunYatagarasuChariot Eligor x Fool Shiki-ouji; Fool Black Frost x Chariot Ares; Hangedman Othrus x Magician Dis-
    41アルラウネMoonAlrauneEmpress Gorgon x Fool Black Frost-
    41ヒトコトヌシHermitHitokotonushiDeath Matador x Fool Shiki-ouji-
    41オオクニヌシEmperorOkuninushiPriestess Ganga x Star Fuu-ki; Moon Alraune x Fool Ose; Lovers Cybele x Strength Titan-
    42ハヌマーンStrengthHanumanHermit Lamia x Fool Shiki-ouji; Moon Yamata-no-Orochi x Sun Gdon; Moon Andra x Justice Uriel; Moon Andra x Sun Tam Lin-
    42リャナンシーLoversLeanan SidheDeath Samael x Star Neko Shougun; Tower Cu Chulain x Justice Virtue; Emperor Setanta x Fortune Clotho; Judgement Anubis x Emperor Oberon-
    43フウキStarFuu-kiMagician Jack Frost x Moon Alraune; Moon Alraune x Magician Dis; Priesstess Parvati x Moon Yamatano-Orochi; Moon Andra x Priestess Hariti-
    43トリグラフChariotTriglavHierophant Shiisa x Fool Shiki-ouji; Empress Titania x Star Fuu-ki; Hiero Unicorn x Fool Ose; Sun Gdon x Magician Pyro Jack-
    44サキュバスDevilSuccubusSun Gdon x Fool Decarabia-
    44クロトFortuneClothoHangedman Yatsufusa x Empress Gorgon x Justice Virtue; Magician Dis x Moon Alraune x Temperance Mithra-
    44ガブリエルEmpressGabrielFool Ose x Star Fuu-ki-
    45ホクトセイクンHierophantHokuto SeikunChariot Triglav x Lovers Leanan Sidhe; Temperance Nigi Mitama x Shiki-ouji-
    45トートEmperorThothMoon Alraune x Fool Decarabia; Devil Pazuzu x Priestess Parvati x Hermit Hitokoto-Nushi-
    46モトDeathMotPriestess Sarasvati x Fool Shiki-ouji-
    46デカラビアFoolDecarabiaEmperor Thoth x Star Neko Shougun x Fool Black Frost; Star Neko Shougun x Devil Pazuzu x Hangedman Yomotsu-Ikusa; Sun Yatagarasu x Sun Gdon x Empress Gorgon-
    46クー・フーリンTowerCu ChulainStar Neko Shougun x Temperance Mithra x Fool Black Frost-
    47ランダMagicianRangdaHierophant Flauros x Temperance Seiryuu; Hangedman Yatsufusa x Empress Gorgon x Emperor Setanta; Devil Succubus x Justice Dominion-
    47ナラシンハSunNarasimhaMoon Alraune x Chariot Triglav; Moon Girimehkala X Chariot Triglav-
    47セイリュウTemperanceSeiryuuHangedman Yatsufusa x Empress Gorgon; Strenght Hanuman x Sun Narasimha-
    48キクリヒメPriestessKikuri-himeEmpress Gorgon x Sun Yatagarasu-
    48クラマテングHermitKurama TenguSun Yatagarasu x Temperance Seiryuu; Tower Cu Chulain x Hangedman Yatsufusa-
    48ギリメカラMoonGirimehkalaHangedman Yatsufusa x Lovers Undine; Emperor Setanta x Devil Lilith-
    49ヤツフサHangedmanYatsufusaEmperor Thoth x Hangedman Orthrus x Hangedman Makami x Sun Narasimha x Hermit Mothman-
    49ソロネJusticeThroneStar Ganesha x Hermit Mothman; Hangedman Yatsufusa x Empress Gorgon x Temperance Mithra-
    50ガネーシャStarGaneshaFool Decarabia x Tower Cu Chulain; Hangedman Yatsufusa x Temperance Mithra x Fool Black Frost-
    50カーリーStrengthKaliHangedman Yatsufusa x Fool Black Frost; Empress Skadi x Emperor Setanta x Emperor Okuninushi; Tower Cu Chulain x Empress Gorgon x Hangedman Yatsufusa;-
    51パピルサグEmperorPabilsagMoon Alraune x Fool Shiki-ouji-
    51ラケシスFortuneLachesisHangedman Yatsufusa x Fool Black Frost x Justice Virtue; Justice Dominion x Hangedman Taowu x Fool Ose-
    52ケルベロスHierophantCerberusStar Ganesha x Temperance Seiryuu; Tower Cu Chulain x Lovers Undine x Fool Decarabia-
    52スカディEmpressSkadiStar Fuu-ki x Fool Decarabia-
    53リリスDevilLilithHangedman Yatsufusa x Sun Yatagarasu; Emperor Okuninushi x Justice Throne-
    53タムリンSunTam LinSun Gdon x Sun Phoenix x Sun Narasimha x Sun Yatagarasu-
    53ラファエルLoversRaphaelTower Cu Chulain x Justice Dominion; Justice Dominion x Fortune Lachesis; Justice Dominion x Sun Yatagarasu x Priestess Parvati-
    54キンキChariotKin-kiTower Cu Chulain x Sun Yatagarasu; Hangedman Yatsufusa x Empress Gorgon x Sun Yatagarasu-
    54スザクTemperanceSuzakuMagician Dis x Fool Shiki-ouji; Judgement Anubis x Temperance Seiryuu x Justice Dominion; Devil Succubus x Fool Shiki-ouji-
    55ニーズホッグHermitNidhoggrJudgement Anubis x Justice Dominion x Star Ganesha-
    55アバドンTowerAbaddonHanged Yatsufusa x Fortune Lachesis x Empress Gorgon;Tower Mara x Tower Masakado-
    56トウコツHangedmanTaowuTower Cu Chulain x Star Neko Shougun; Hangedman Yatsufusa x Empress Gorgon x Lovers Queen Mab; Moon Grimehkala x Lovers Leanan Sidhe; Judgement Anubis x Fortune Fortuna-
    56シキオウジFoolShiki-oujiFool Black Frost x Magican Dis x Death White Rider; Empress Gorgon x Death White Rider x Moon Sui-ki-
    57ガルーダStarGarudaTower Mara x Emperor Okuninushi; Devil Succubus x Death White Rider; Judgement Trumpeter x Hermit Mothman; Judgement Anubis x Fool Shiki-ouji x Lovers Queen Mab-
    57スイキMoonSui-kiHangedman Hell Biker x Lovers Undine-
    58ウリエルJusticeUrielPriestess Hariti x Strength Hanuman; Hangedman Hell Biker x Justice Dominion x Sun Yatagarasu-
    58ホワイトライダーDeathWhite RiderHangedman Hell Biker x Temperance Seiryuu; Empress Isis x Chariot Ares; Tower Cu Chulain x Star Ganesha x Hangedman Yatsufusa; Lovers Leanan Sidhe x Hierophant Cerberus-
    58アナンタFortuneAnantaFortune Fortuna x Hangedman Hell Biker x Fool Shiki-ouji-
    59ハリティーPriestessHaritiHangedman Hell Biker x Justice Dominion-
    59アヌビスJudgementAnubisSun Cu Sith x Tower Tao Tie x Justice Angel
    Strength Sandman x Tower Tao Tie x Sun Cu Sith
    Justice Archangel x Strength Valkyrie x Temperance Apsaras
    Hierophant Anzu x Strength Titan x Justice Principality
    Star Neko Shogun x Fool Shiki-ouji x Hanged Yatsufusa
    Chariot Slime x Temperance Apsaras x Priestess Sarasvati
    60だいそうじょうHierophantDaisoujouLovers Raphael x Chariot Kin-ki; Hangedman Hell Biker x Star Ganesha x Moon Yamatano-orochi-
    60マザーハーロットEmpressMother HarlotHangedman Hell Biker x Star Ganesha; Judgement Anubis x Hanged Yatsufasa-
    61ジャターユSunJatayuHierophant Cerberus x Priestess Kikuri-hime; Judgement Anubis x Priestess Hariti; Tower Cu Chulain x Hangedman Yatsufusa x Fool Decarabia-
    61ベルフェゴールDevilBelphegorLovers Raphael x Sun Jatayu; Hangedman Hell Biker x Sun Yatagarasu-
    62ビャッコTemperanceByakkoHangedman Hell Biker x Empress Skadi; Temperance Genbu x Temperance Suzaku x Temperance Seiryuu-
    62マーラTowerMaraFool Shiki-ouji x Temperance Seiryuu x Star Ganesha; Throne + Jatayu + White Rider ; Kin-Ki + Cerberus + Lilith-
    62ジンMagicianJinnJustice Dominion x Fool Shiki-ouji; Hangedman Hell Biker x Justice Dominion x Star Ganesha-
    63ジークフリードStrengthSiegfriedHangedman Hell Biker x Fool Shiki-ouji; Empress Skadi x Fool Shiki-ouji x Tower Abaddon; Fool Shiki-ouji x Hermit Nebiros; Fool Shiki-ouji x Hanged Taowu-
    63ネビロスHermitNebirosStrength Siegfried x Devil Belphegor; Tower Mara x Empress Mother Harlot; Judgement Trumpeter x Empress Gabriel x Fool Shiki-ouji-
    64ロキFoolLokiFool Decarabia x Hermit Niddhoggr x Empress Mother Harlot; Lovers Ishtar x Empress Isis x Sun Horus; Lovers Ishtar x Fool Shiki-ouji x Hangedman Vasuki; Judgement Trumpeter x Fool Black Frost x Temperance ByakkoFool Maxed
    64キュベレLoversCybeleJudgement Trumpeter x Justice Throne; Death White Rider x Star Ganesha; Judgement Anubis x Justice Uriel-
    65バロンEmperorBarongDevil Belphegor x Fortune Lachesis; Judgement Trumpeter x Justice Throne x Tower Tao Tie; Tower Mara x Devil Belial-
    65トールChariotThorSun Jatayu x Emperor Barong; Hangedman Taowu x Hangedman Hell Biker x Death Samael-
    65アトロポスFortuneAtroposLovers Ishtar x Hierophant Hachiman x Star Helel; Death White Rider x Judgement Anubis x Hermit Nidhoggr-
    66ヘルズエンジェルHangedmanHell BikerJudgement Anubis x Fool Shiki-ouji-
    66メルキセデクJusticeMelchizedekStar Kartikeya x Hermit Nidhoggr; Fool Shiki-ouji x Hangedman Hell Biker x Sun Yatagarasu-
    67トランペッターJudgementTrumpeterDeath Matador x Death White Rider x Hierophant Daisoujou x Emperor Pabilsag x Hangedman Taowu x Tower Tao Tie-
    67カルティケーヤStarKartikeyaJudgement Anubis x Hermit Nidhoggr; Judgement Anubis x Fool Shiki-ouji x Star Ganesha-
    68セトMoonSethDevil Belphegor x Chariot Kin-ki-
    68ホルスSunHorusHierophant Hachiman x Chariot Thor; Fool Shiki-ouji x Hangedman Hell Biker x Star Ganesha-
    68ベリアルDevilBelialSun Horus x Hangedman Hell Biker-
    69スルトMagicianSurtEmperor Barong x Moon Seth-
    69マサカドTowerMasakadoJudgement Trumpeter x Sun Jatayu x Tower Cu Chulain; Fortune Ananta x Tower Cu Chulain x Emperor Odin;-
    69ユルングTemperanceYurlungurHermit Arahabaki x Sun Tam Lin; Moon Sui-ki x Empress Isis; Fool Shiki-Ouji x Empress Mother Harlot x Hermit Nebiros; Empress Alilat x Hanged Taowu-
    70ツィツィミトルPriestessTzitzimitlJudgement Trumpeter x Empress Skadi; Tower Cu Chulain x Moon Sandalphon-
    70アリラトEmpressAlilatJudgement Trumpeter x Hangedman Vasuki; Hermit Arahabaki x Fortune Lachesis; Death White Rider x Hangedman Taowu x Hierophant Daisoujou-
    70ハチマンHierophantHachimanDeath White Rider x Hangedman Taowu x Judgement Anubis; Judgement Michael x Emperor Oukuninushi x Chariot Atavaka-
    71イシュタルLoversIshtarJustice Uriel x Judgement Michael; Judgement Anubis x Devil Belial x Priestess Hariti(Lovers Raphael); Judgement Trumpeter x Judgement Anubis x Star Kartikeya (Hermit Nebiros); Judgement Anubis x Justice SraoshaLovers Maxed
    71ヴァスキHangedmanVasukiHierophant Hachiman x Tower Mara-
    72ノルンFortuneNornFortune Clotho x Fortune Lachesis x Fortune AtroposFortune Maxed
    72アリスDeathAliceHermit Nebiros x Devil Belial-
    72アタバクChariotAtavakaTower Cu Chulain x Sun Asura; Sun Horus x Tower Mara-
    72ミカエルJudgementMichaelJustice Uriel x Hermit Nidhoggr x Death White Rider; Sun Horus x Hierophant Hachiman x Tower Cu Chulain-
    73アラハバキHermitArahabakiEmperor Barong x Hermit Nidhoggr x Justice Melchizedek-
    73ヴィシュヌTemperanceVishnuHangedman Attis x Empress Isis; Sun Sparna x Hermit Nebiros; Chariot Futsunushi x Judgement SatanTemperance Maxed
    74スラオシャJusticeSraoshaHangedman Vasuki x Devil Belial; Magician Mada x Empress Isis; Lovers Ishtar x Emperor OdinJustice Maxed
    74オーディンEmperorOdinMoon Sandalphon x Star Helel; Fool Loki x Temperance Vishnu x Star Kartikeya (Temperance Byakko)Emperor Maxed
    75ヨシツネTowerYoshitsuneHierophant Hachiman x Tower Masakado x Emperor Okuninushi x Hermit Hitokotonushi x Fool Shiki-ouji-
    75サトゥルヌスStarSaturnusMagician Surt x Moon Seth; Judgement Trumpeter x Hangedman Hell Biker x Judgement Anubis-
    76コウリュウHierophantKohryuuTemperance Byakko x Temperance Suzaku x Temperance Seiryuu x Temperance GenbuHierophant Maxed
    76サタンJudgementSatanHierophant Kohryu x Chariot Thor x Strength Siegfried; Judgement Michael x Tower Yoshitsune x Chariot Thor; Judgement Anubis x Judgement Trumpeter x Judgement Michael-
    77バアル・ゼブルMoonBaal ZebulHell Biker x Ishtar; Empress Isis x Emperor Odin; Empress Isis x Magician Mada x Priestess Parvati-
    77スパルナSunSparnaPriestess Hariti x Tower Mara x Moon Baal Zebul; Hierophant Kohryu x Strength Siegfried (or Chariot Thor)-
    78マダMagicianMadaSun Horus x Devil Belphegor x Justice Melchizedek;Temperance Yurlungur x Chariot Atavaka; Empress Alilat x Hermit ArahabakiMagician Maxed
    78マハカーラDeathMahakalaDeath Matador x Hierophant Daisoujou x Empress Mother Harlot x Death White Rider x Judgement Trumpeter x Hangedman Hell BikerDeath Maxed
    79イシスEmpressIsisSun Asura x Hangedman Yatsufusa x Hangedman Vasuki; Sun Sparna x Tower Mara x Hierophant Hachiman (or Daishojo); Death Alice x Judgement Trumpeter x Priestess HaritiEmpress Maxed
    79スカアハPriestessScathachEmperor Odin x Hermit Arahabaki ; Empress Isis x Sun Suparna; Priestess Tzitzimitl x Hanged Hell Biker Moon SethPriestess Maxed
    80フツヌシChariotFutsunushiChariot Atavaka x Chariot Triglav x Chariot Kin-ki x Chariot Ares x Star Neko ShougunChariot Maxed
    80シヴァTowerShivaMagician Rangda x Emperor BarongTower Maxed
    81ベルゼブブDevilBeelzebubDevil Belial x Devil Belphegor x Moon Baal Zebul x Moon Seth x Death Mot x Devil PazuzuDevil Maxed
    82アティスHangedmanAttisStar Helel x Tower Masakado; Justice Uriel x Sun Sparna x Moon Baal ZebulHanged Man Maxed
    82オンギョウキHermitOngyo-kiChariot Kin-ki x Moon Sui-ki x Star Fuu-ki x Strength OniHermit Maxed
    83メタトロンJudgementMetatronTower Yoshi(t)sune x Fortune Norn(Judgement Satan) x Magician Surt(Justice Sraosha); Tower Shiva x Death Mahakala x Tower Yoshi(t)sune; Judgement Anubis(Judgement Trumpeter) x Judgement Michael x Judgement Satan-
    84サンダルフォンMoonSandalphonStar Helel x Justice SraoshaMoon Maxed
    86アスラおうSunAsuraMagician Mada x Hangedman Attis; Lovers Ishtar x Empress Isis x Moon Baal Zebul; Priestess Scathach x Judgement Satan; Justice Sraosha x Hierophant Hachiman x Magician MadaSun Maxed
    87ルシフェルStarHelelMagician Mada x Moon Baal Zebul; Hierophant Kohryuu x Chariot Atavaka x Tower Masakado; Fool Loki x Hangedman Vasuki x Hangedman Attis; Empress Isis x Fortune Norn; Tower Yoshitsune x Magican Surt x Justice SraoshaStar Maxed
    90アルダーJudgementArdhaTower Shiva x Priestess ParvatiTower Maxed
    90ザオウゴンゲンStrengthZaou GongenHermit Arahabaki x Fool Shiki-ouji; Moon Sandalphon x Sun Asura; Hierophant Daisoujou x Sun Horus (or Sparna); Moon Baal Zebul x Sun Horus (or Sparna); Magician Surt x Temperance Yurlungur; Emperor Barong x Magician Mada; Hanged Taowu x Emperor Barong x Hermit Nebiros (or Chariot Thor or Lovers Cybele)Strength Maxed
    91伊邪那岐大神WorldIzanagi OkamiFool Izanagi x Strength Sandman x Chariot Nata Taishi x Moon Girimehkala x Fortune Norn x Emperor Okuninushi x Hangedman Orthrus x Star Kartikeya x Temperance Mithra x Priestess Tzitzimitl x Tower Cu Chulain x Fool LegionSecond play or later + saw true ending before
    93ルシファーJudgementLuciferFortune Ananta x Judgement Michael x Judgement Metatron x Judgement Satan x Judgement Trumpeter x Judgement AnubisJudgment Maxed